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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpOpenGL and 3D Libraries › GLGraphics: Faster pixel coping between textures
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GLGraphics: Faster pixel coping between textures (Read 2002 times)
GLGraphics: Faster pixel coping between textures
May 20th, 2010, 9:17am
import codeanticode.glgraphics.*;
import processing.opengl.*;

GLGraphicsOffScreen one;
GLTexture oneTex,twoTex;

int w=400,h=200;
void setup(){
 one = new GLGraphicsOffScreen(this, w, h);

 oneTex = new GLTexture(this,w,h);
 twoTex=new GLTexture(this,w,h);//

void draw(){

 image(oneTex, 0,0);

 // ------------------------------------------
 // copying pixels form one texture to another



 for (int i = 0; i < w*h; i++) {



 // CLEAR twoTex

 for (int i = 0; i < w*h; i++)
   twoTex.pixels[i]=color(0); // CLEAR twoTex SCREEN


is there any better way to copy and process pixels from one texture to another. What I am doing is video frame calculations. Ant this code seems to work slow.

Re: GLGraphics: Faster pixel coping between textures
Reply #1 - Jun 4th, 2010, 8:49am
Any replies to this. I too would be happy to know about this interesting code...
Re: GLGraphics: Faster pixel coping between textures
Reply #2 - Jun 4th, 2010, 1:44pm
I am not really sure what you want to do with your code the fastest way to do this is probably to write a pixelshader. Than you draw the video texture into a framebuffer using the shader. In the shader you check the color of every pixel from the video texture and define the output color as needed.
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