YaBB Newbies
Posts: 3
adding oscP5 code to colour detection
May 20th , 2010, 5:13am
Hi there folks, does anyone know what code I need to add if I want to use oscP5. It seems there is no info on this and Ive tried for days to figure this out by looking at various other patches. I have color detection which I need to hook up to Pure Data so the 2 programs can communicate. I just don't know what to write into the Processing window. Could be anything. I'm really stuck. If anyone could help I will be eternally grateful cheers El Here is the processing code for color detec: I have already gone to 'sketch' then added oscP5 library. import oscP5.*; import netP5.*; import processing.video.*; Capture video; int numPixels; // number of pixels in the video int rectDivide = 4; // the stage width/height divided by this number is the video width/height int vidW; // video width int vidH; // video height int[][] colouredPixels; // the different colour references for each pixel int[][] colourCompareData; // captured r, g and b colours int currR; // int currG; // int currB; // int[][] squareCoords; // x, y, w + h of the coloured areas color[] colours; // captured colours int colourRange = 25; // colour threshold int[][] centrePoints; // centres of the coloured squares color[] pixelColours; boolean isShowPixels = false; // determines whether the square and coloured pixels are displayed int colourMax = 2; // max amount of colours - also adjust the amount of colours added to pixelColours in setup() int coloursAssigned = 0; // amount of cours currently assigned CoordsCalc coordsCalc; void setup() { size(640, 480); vidW = width / rectDivide; vidH = height / rectDivide; video = new Capture(this, vidW, vidH, 30); noStroke(); numPixels = vidW * vidH; colouredPixels = new int[vidH][vidW]; colourCompareData = new int[colourMax][3]; squareCoords = new int[colourMax][4]; colours = new color[colourMax]; centrePoints = new int[colourMax][2]; color c1 = color(0, 255, 0); color c2 = color(255, 0, 0); pixelColours = new color[colourMax]; pixelColours[0] = color(0, 255, 0); pixelColours[1] = color(255, 0, 0); coordsCalc = new CoordsCalc(); } void captureEvent(Capture video) { video.read(); } void draw() { noStroke(); fill(255, 255, 255); rect(0, 0, width, height); drawVideo(); coordsCalc.update(); for (int i = 0; i < coloursAssigned; i++) { if (isShowPixels) drawSquare(i); } } void drawVideo() { for (int i = 0; i < coloursAssigned; i++) { fill(colours[i]); rect(i * 10, vidH, 10, 10); } image(video, 0, 0); noFill(); stroke(255, 0, 0); strokeWeight(2); rect(vidW - 4, vidH - 4, 4, 4); } void drawSquare(int i) { int sqX = squareCoords[i][0]; int sqY = squareCoords[i][1]; int sqW = squareCoords[i][2]; int sqH = squareCoords[i][3]; noFill(); stroke(0, 0, 255); strokeWeight(3); rect(sqX, sqY, sqW, sqH); //stroke(0, 0, 255); //strokeWeight(4); rect(sqX * rectDivide, sqY * rectDivide, sqW * rectDivide, sqH * rectDivide); line(sqX * rectDivide, sqY * rectDivide, ((sqX * rectDivide) + (sqW * rectDivide)), ((sqY * rectDivide) + (sqH * rectDivide))); line(((sqX * rectDivide) + (sqW * rectDivide)), sqY * rectDivide, sqX * rectDivide, (sqY * rectDivide + sqH * rectDivide)); } void keyPressed() { println("key pressed = " + key); color currPixColor = video.pixels[numPixels - (vidW * 2) - 3]; int pixR = (currPixColor >> 16) & 0xFF; int pixG = (currPixColor >> 8) & 0xFF; int pixB = currPixColor & 0xFF; if (key == 'p') { isShowPixels = !isShowPixels; } if (key == '1') { coloursAssigned = 1; colourCompareData[0][0] = pixR; colourCompareData[0][1] = pixG; colourCompareData[0][2] = pixB; colours[0] = color(pixR, pixG, pixB); } if (colourMax < 2 || coloursAssigned < 1) return; if (key == '2') { coloursAssigned = 2; colourCompareData[1][0] = pixR; colourCompareData[1][1] = pixG; colourCompareData[1][2] = pixB; colours[1] = color(pixR, pixG, pixB); } if (key == '0') { coloursAssigned = 0; } }