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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › Would this be possible in processing
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Would this be possible in processing? (Read 1371 times)
Would this be possible in processing?
May 19th, 2010, 3:44am
Hi all,

I am very, very new to processing, and I don't have a background in programming at all, so I hope I'm not making a fool out of myself here, but I would like to know if the following is possible in processing.

I recently made a few posters for a student project about stuttering.
What I did was this: i did a google search for something (can't remember what). On the search result page I did a search for the letter s, t, u, t, t, e, r, and I made screenshots of that. So I had a screenshot for a page with the letter s highlighted all over the page, one with the letter t and so on. Then I manipulated the screenshots in photoshop to finish the image (i have a link to a finished image, but this forum won't let me post it, because this is my first post here).

My question is: can I automate this in processing? Or can I make something in processing to come up with a similar result? And is it possible to make processing output the image to a webpage?

Well, I hope you understand what I'm trying to do. Thanks in advance for your answers!

Hans Willem

Re: Would this be possible in processing?
Reply #1 - May 19th, 2010, 3:45am
Here is a finnished image of what I tried to explain in my post:

Re: Would this be possible in processing?
Reply #2 - May 19th, 2010, 12:44pm
hmm, not an easy task for processing, guess text recognition of a given image and finding the letters and highlight them isnt easy.
but also when you have a text, you cant just highlight single letters as it is still not possible to highlight within a given text.
You can export images, pdfs etc. but no webpages.

I dont see a good way to solve this task in processing, but i am curious if somebody else does.

I would probably try to do it with php,javascript, css. dont know.  maybe you can write something like a greasemonkey script that automatically highlights your letters.
Re: Would this be possible in processing?
Reply #3 - May 20th, 2010, 1:12am
Yes, manipulating an external program with Processing is perhaps possible, but not easy. Using an alternative tool like AutoHotkey (for Windows), or Greasemonkey as suggested with an extension to save a page as image might be a better way.
After you collected the images, manipulating them with Processing is quite easy.
But if you never programmed before, you might need to start with easier tasks...
Re: Would this be possible in processing?
Reply #4 - May 20th, 2010, 1:18am
You might be able to do it in Processing, but I suspect it would be far easier to do using a more web-specific language like PHP or javascript (especially using something like jQuery):  You should be able to 'include' the contents of a page onto your own page and then process it aplying custom CSS styling to get the result you want...
Re: Would this be possible in processing?
Reply #5 - May 20th, 2010, 11:53am
Okay, thanks for the responses!
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