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5 days of my life wasted still no solution (Read 691 times)
5 days of my life wasted still no solution
May 12th, 2010, 10:02am
Roll Eyes
Hello Everyone,

I am trying to pass a url to the applet, but nothing seems to be working and I do not get any errors:

1. From the code below, I export to an applet and I pass a url through <param > tag with no success.  The code works fine in processing if I code the url directly into the code:

import traer.physics.*;
import traer.animation.*;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import processing.net.*;
import org.htmlparser.*;
import org.htmlparser.util.*;
import org.htmlparser.filters.*;
import org.htmlparser.nodes.*;

int totalNumberOfNodes = 0;
ArrayList elements = new ArrayList();
ArrayList parents = new ArrayList();
int nodesAdded = 0;
int maxDegree = 0;
HashMap particleNodeLookup = new HashMap();
HashMap particleInfoLookup = new HashMap();
ParticleSystem physics;
Smoother3D centroid;

//private String urlPath ="http://www.bing.com";
private String content;
String urlPath;
float NODE_SIZE = 30;
float EDGE_LENGTH = 50;
float EDGE_STRENGTH = 0.2;
float SPACER_STRENGTH = 2000;
final String GRAY = "155,155,155";
final String BLUE = "0,0,155";
final String ORANGE = "255,155,51";
final String YELLOW = "255,255,51";
final String RED = "255,0,0";
final String GREEN = "0,155,0";
final String VIOLET = "204,0,255";
final String BLACK = "0,0,0";

void setup() {
 size(600, 400);
 String urlPath = param("mypath");
 physics = new ParticleSystem( 0, 0.25 );
 centroid = new Smoother3D( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,0.8 );

void getDataFromClient() {
 try {
   org.htmlparser.Parser ps = new org.htmlparser.Parser ();
   OrFilter orf = new OrFilter();
   NodeFilter[] nfls = new NodeFilter[1];
   nfls[0] = new TagNameFilter("html");
   NodeList nList  = ps.parse(orf);
   Node node = nList.elementAt (0);
   EDGE_STRENGTH = (1.0 / maxDegree) * 5;
   if (EDGE_STRENGTH > 0.2) EDGE_STRENGTH = 0.2;
 catch (Exception e) {

void initialize() {

void parseTree(Node node) {
 int degree = 0;
 if (node == null) return;
 String nodeText = node.getText();
 if (node instanceof TagNode && !((TagNode)node).isEndTag())  {  
 NodeList children = node.getChildren();
 if (children == null) return;
 SimpleNodeIterator iter = children.elements();
 while(iter.hasMoreNodes()) {
   Node child = iter.nextNode();
   if (child instanceof TagNode && !((TagNode)child).isEndTag()) degree++;
 if (degree > maxDegree) maxDegree = degree;

Particle addNode(Particle q) {
 Particle p = physics.makeParticle();
 if (q == null) return p;
 addSpacersToNode( p, q );
 makeEdgeBetween( p, q );
 float randomX =  (float)((Math.random() * 0.5) + 0.5);
 if (Math.random() < 0.5) randomX *= -1;
 float randomY = (float)((Math.random() * 0.5) + 0.5);
 if (Math.random() < 0.5) randomY *= -1;
 //p.moveTo( q.position().x() +randomX, q.position().y() + randomY, 0 );
 p.position().set( q.position().x() +randomX, q.position().y() + randomY, 0 );
 return p;

void draw() {
 //uncomment this if you want your network saved as pdfs
 //beginRecord(PDF, "frameimage-####.pdf");
 if (nodesAdded < totalNumberOfNodes) {
 else {
   if (EDGE_STRENGTH < 0.05) EDGE_STRENGTH += 0.0001;  
 physics.tick( 1.0 );
 if (physics.numberOfParticles() > 1) {
 translate(width/2, height/2);
 translate( -centroid.x(), -centroid.y() );
 //uncomment this if you want your network saved as pdfs

void addNodesToGraph() {
 Particle newParticle;
 TagNode tagNodeToAdd = (TagNode)elements.get(nodesAdded);
 Node parentNode = (Node)parents.get(nodesAdded);
 if (parentNode == null) {
   // this is the html element
   newParticle = addNode(null);
 else {
   Particle parentParticle = (Particle)particleNodeLookup.get(parentNode);
   newParticle = addNode(parentParticle);
 String nodeColor = GRAY;
 if (tagNodeToAdd.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("a")) nodeColor = BLUE;
 else if (tagNodeToAdd.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("div")) nodeColor = GREEN;
 else if (tagNodeToAdd.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("html")) nodeColor = BLACK;
 else if (tagNodeToAdd.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("tr")) nodeColor = RED;
 else if (tagNodeToAdd.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("td")) nodeColor = RED;
 else if (tagNodeToAdd.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("table")) nodeColor =  RED;
 else if (tagNodeToAdd.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("br")) nodeColor =  GRAY;
 else if (tagNodeToAdd.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("p")) nodeColor =  ORANGE;
 else if (tagNodeToAdd.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("blockquote")) nodeColor =  ORANGE;
 else if (tagNodeToAdd.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("img")) nodeColor =  VIOLET;
 else if (tagNodeToAdd.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("form")) nodeColor =  YELLOW;
 else if (tagNodeToAdd.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("input")) nodeColor =  YELLOW;
 else if (tagNodeToAdd.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("textarea")) nodeColor =  YELLOW;
 else if (tagNodeToAdd.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("select")) nodeColor =  YELLOW;
 else if (tagNodeToAdd.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("option")) nodeColor =  YELLOW;
 nodesAdded++;  Sorry, could not paste the whole code
Please help, if you can
Re: 5 days of my life wasted still no solution
Reply #1 - May 12th, 2010, 10:05am
Rest of the code:
 else {
   centroid.setTarget(xMin + 0.5*deltaX, yMin + 0.5*deltaY, width/(deltaX+50));

void addSpacersToNode( Particle p, Particle r ) {
 for ( int i = 0; i < physics.numberOfParticles(); ++i ) {
   Particle q = physics.getParticle(i);
   if (p != q && p != r) {
     physics.makeAttraction(p, q, -SPACER_STRENGTH, 20);

void makeEdgeBetween(Particle a, Particle b) {
 physics.makeSpring( a, b, EDGE_STRENGTH, EDGE_STRENGTH, EDGE_LENGTH );

and the html:
<div id="content">
                 <div id="sentiments5a_container">

                 <!--[if !IE]> -->
                       <object classid="java:sentiments5a.class"
                             width="600" height="400"
                             standby="Loading Processing software..." >

                             <param name="archive" value="sentiments5a.jar,physics.jar,animation.jar,net.jar,core.jar,htmlparser.ja
r" />
                             <param name="mypath" VALUE="http://www.ibm.com">
                             <param name="mayscript" value="true" />
                             <param name="scriptable" value="true" />

                             <param name="image" value="loading.gif" />
                             <param name="boxmessage" value="Loading Processing software..." />
                             <param name="boxbgcolor" value="#FFFFFF" />

                             <param name="test_string" value="outer" />

                       <object classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93"
                                   width="600" height="400"
                                   standby="Loading Processing software..."  >

                             <param name="code" value="sentiments5a" />
                             <param name="archive" value="sentiments5a.jar,physics.jar,animation.jar,net.jar,core.jar,htmlparser.ja
r" />

                             <param name="mayscript" value="true" />
                             <param name="scriptable" value="true" />

                             <param name="image" value="loading.gif" />
                             <param name="boxmessage" value="Loading Processing software..." />
                             <param name="boxbgcolor" value="#FFFFFF" />

                             <param name="test_string" value="inner" />

                                         This browser does not have a Java Plug-in.
                                         <br />
                                         <a href="http://www.java.com/getjava" title="Download Java Plug-in">
                                               Get the latest Java Plug-in here.


Thanks in advance.

Re: 5 days of my life wasted still no solution
Reply #2 - May 12th, 2010, 10:12am
Do a println() of urlPath to see what you get.
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