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calendar help
May 12th , 2010, 5:06am
Hey, I got this calendar program but i got an error with this 'nullpointerexception and i honestly dont get what it means and how to fix it. // Display 2010 calendar import javax.swing.JOptionPane; // Dimensions of window int winwidth = 450; int winheight = 385; int daysinweek = 7; // Number of rows in the grid int numrows = 6; // Margin at top of grid int topmargin = 65; // Margin around other sides of grid int othermargin = 15; // Width and height of a day in the grid int gridw = (winwidth - 2 * othermargin) / daysinweek; int gridh = (winheight - topmargin - othermargin) / numrows; int gridx = othermargin; int gridy = topmargin; int month = 1; // Start day of the current month // Mon=0, Tue=1, Wed=2, etc int startday = 4; // Number of days in the current month int numdays = daysinmonth (month); PFont headingfont = createFont ("Georgia", 24); PFont columnfont = createFont ("Georgia", 14); PFont numberfont = createFont ("Georgia", 36); void setup () { size (winwidth, winheight); textAlign (CENTER, CENTER); int x = 0; while (x < 365) { diaryEntry[x] = " "; x = x+1; } } void draw () { background (255); drawheading (); drawgrid (); } void drawheading () { if (month == 1) displayheading ("January 2010"); else if (month == 2) displayheading ("February 2010"); else if (month == 3) displayheading ("March 2010"); else if (month == 4) displayheading ("April 2010"); else if (month == 5) displayheading ("May 2010"); else if (month == 6) displayheading ("June 2010"); else if (month == 7) displayheading ("July 2010"); else if (month == 8) displayheading ("August 2010"); else if (month == 9) displayheading ("September 2010"); else if (month == 10) displayheading ("October 2010"); else if (month == 11) displayheading ("November 2010"); else if (month == 12) displayheading ("December 2010"); } // Display the given heading void displayheading (String heading) { textFont (headingfont); fill (0); text (heading, winwidth / 2, topmargin / 3); } // Draw the month grid void drawgrid () { drawsquares (); drawcollabels (); drawnumbers (); } void drawsquares () { fill (200); for (int col = 0; col < daysinweek; col++) { for (int row = 0; row < numrows; row++) { rect (gridx + col * gridw, gridy + row * gridh, gridw, gridh); } } } void drawcollabels () { drawlabel ("Mon", 0); drawlabel ("Tue", 1); drawlabel ("Wed", 2); drawlabel ("Thu", 3); drawlabel ("Fri", 4); drawlabel ("Sat", 5); drawlabel ("Sun", 6); } // Draw the given label at the top of the given column void drawlabel (String label, int col) { fill (0); textFont (columnfont); text (label, gridx + gridw * col + gridw / 2, gridy - othermargin); } // Draw the numbers in the grid positions void drawnumbers () { textFont (numberfont); fill (0); // Set the starting position based on the start day int numx = gridx + gridw * startday + gridw / 2; int numy = gridy + gridh / 3; // Add each day number to the grid int dayofweek = startday; for (int numday = 1; numday <= numdays; numday++) { // Actually draw the number String p = diaryEntry[startofmonth + numday]; if (p.equals(" ") == false) //error is here*********************************** { fill(255,0,0); } else { fill(0,0,0); } text (numday, numx, numy); dayofweek++; if (dayofweek > 6) { dayofweek = 0; numy += gridh; numx = gridx + gridw / 2; } else { numx += gridw; } } } // - n: move to next month // - p: move to previous month void keyPressed () { if ((key == 'n') && (month != 12)) { month++; startday = (startday + numdays) % daysinweek; numdays = daysinmonth (month); startofmonth = Lookup2[month-1]; println(startofmonth); } else if ((key == 'p') && (month != 1)) { month--; numdays = daysinmonth (month); println ((startday - numdays) % daysinweek); startday = (startday - numdays) % daysinweek; startofmonth = Lookup2[month-1]; println(startofmonth); if (startday < 0) { startday += daysinweek; } } } int daysinmonth (int month) { if ((month == 4) || (month == 6) || (month == 9) || (month == 11)) { return 30; } else if (month == 2) { return 28; } else { return 31; } } int startofmonth = 0; int[] Lookup2 = {0,31,59,90,151,181,212,243,274,305,335}; String myText; String[] diaryEntry = new String [365]; int xlocation = 0; int ylocation = 0; int numbercount = 0; int store1 = 0; int findDay(int xord, int yord) { int[][] Lookup = { {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}, {8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14}, {15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21}, {22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28}, {29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35}, {36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42} }; int gridPos = -1; if (xord >= othermargin && xord <= winwidth - othermargin && yord > topmargin && yord <= winheight -othermargin) { xlocation = int((xord-15)/60); ylocation = int((yord-65)/50); gridPos = Lookup[ylocation][xlocation] - startday; if (gridPos < 1 || gridPos > 31) { gridPos = -1; } } return(gridPos); } void mousePressed() { int x = 0; x = findDay(mouseX,mouseY); if (x > 0) { noLoop(); diaryEntry[startofmonth + x]= (String)JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter:", diaryEntry[startofmonth + x]); loop(); } } Thanks in advanced, Snoople