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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpOther Libraries › send messages to TouchOSC using oscP5
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send messages to TouchOSC using oscP5 (Read 1801 times)
send messages to TouchOSC using oscP5
May 4th, 2010, 7:49am
Hello all! New to forum (and processing)
I'm using TouchOSC on my iphone to control an interface I made with Processing (using oscP5), have no problems to receive, identify and parse messages sent from my iphone. What I want to know if it's possible to do the other way round: send messages from Processing to TouchOSC (what I'm thinking is send a text from my app, and update a text field in my TouchOSC layout, with things like "done", "error", etc).
I know that with oscP5 I can send a message, but I can't find what format I must use to have TouchOSC recognize it and act accordingly.
Thanks for any help!
Re: send messages to TouchOSC using oscP5
Reply #1 - May 5th, 2010, 6:27am
Ok, figured out myself.
The trick here is to know the IP of your iPhone, so in Processing you declare a new NetAddress object using that IP and the iPhone's listening port. Then you create a OscMessage with the name of the label/led given by the touchOSC layout editor (e.g:/1/label1), later you add parameters, like text (or 0-1 if you're trying to use a led), and use the "send" method.
Pretty cool and straightforward uh?
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