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Processing Teaching Material (Read 912 times)
Processing Teaching Material
May 3rd, 2010, 6:58am
Hi all,

I am curious to know wether someone has used Processing in a university environmet and what teaching material they have used.

During the last year I used Processing sucessfully in two final-year physics projects. Such a project lasts several months and students have enough time to engage with new material or a new language/IDE such as Processing. Now, I am wondering about using it in undergraduate modules, where the emphasis is not on programming but on other topics, for example numerical methods. However, the students will have to write code and demonstrate some of their results with a working program. Some students do not have any real experience in  programming but all should have had some C/C++ course. I'd like to try Processing in order to simplify the task for the non-experienced while giving the people with C++ knowledge something else to work with.

However, I don't think the typicaly Processing books (I use the on by  Reas and Fry and Shiffman's) are the ideal material for quickly learning how to use the language/IDE. I think I will have to prepare my own tutorials for that. Hence my questions: who else has tried something similar and what type of material did you use/create?

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