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Need Help on interaction part! (Read 471 times)
Need Help on interaction part!
May 2nd, 2010, 5:26am
it is my final year project and here is the long code. I am almost finish it but getting stuck on the final part for few days already!!!Sad:(Sad

After typing the texts, they appeared and fell down. I want to make them as like as the project" rain text"

main tab

Catcher catcher;    // One catcher object
Timer timer;        // One timer object
Drop[] drops;       // An array of drop objects
int totalDrops = 0; // totalDrops
int noDrops = 0;
String s;
int noStore=0;
int noSpacebar=0;

PFont font;

String typing = " ";

String saved = " ";
int charcount = 0;

String store =  "";

import processing.video.*;

Capture video;

PImage backgroundImage;

void setup() {
 catcher = new Catcher(32); // Create the catcher with a radius of 32
 drops = new Drop[1000];    // Create 1000 spots in the array
 timer = new Timer(300);   // Create a timer that goes off every 2 seconds

 font = createFont("Helvetica-Bold-24.vlw",20,true);
 s = "";
 drops[0]=new Drop(s);

 video = new Capture(this, width, height, 30);
 // Create an empty image the same size as the video
 backgroundImage = createImage(video.width,video.height,RGB);



void draw() {
 if (video.available()) {




 if (timer.isFinished()) {
   totalDrops ++ ;
   if (totalDrops >= drops.length) {
     totalDrops = 0;
 if (noSpacebar >0){
   for (int i = 0; i < noSpacebar; i++ ) {


     if (catcher.intersect(drops[i])) {
       store += i+" ";


//void words(){
void keyPressed(){
 if (keyCode ==32) {
   //     }
   String[] typedList = split(typing, ' ');
   for (int i = 0; i < noSpacebar; i++ ) {
     String s= typedList[i];
     drops[noSpacebar] = new Drop(s);

void mousePressed() {


public void stop(){
 video.stop();//stop the object

catcher tab

class Catcher {
 float r;   // radius
 color col; // color
 float x,y; // location

 Catcher(float tempR) {

   r = tempR;
   col = color(50,10,10,150);
   x = 0;
   y = 0;

 void setLocation(float tempX, float tempY) {
   x = tempX;
   y = tempY;

 void display() {

 // A function that returns true or false based on
 // if the catcher intersects a raindrop
 boolean intersect(Drop d) {
   // Calculate distance
   float distance = dist(x,y,d.x,d.y);

   // Compare distance to sum of radii
   if (distance < r + d.r) {
     return true;
   else {
     return false;

drop tab

class Drop {

 float x,y;   // Variables for location of raindrop
 float speed; // Speed of raindrop
 color c;
 float r, f;     // Radius of raindrop
 String typeD;
 String stored;

 Drop(String s) {
   typeD = s;
   r = 8;                 // All raindrops are the same size
   x = random(width);     // Start with a random x location
   y = -r*4;              // Start a little above the window
   speed = random(0.3,0.9);   // Pick a random speed
   c = color(50,100,150);
  f= random(14,24);

 // Move the raindrop down
 void move() {
   // Increment by speed
   y += speed;
 void hold() {
   // Increment by speed
   y -= speed;
 // Check if it hits the bottom
 boolean reachedBottom() {
   // If we go a little beyond the bottom
   if (y > height + r*4) {
     return true;
   else {
     return false;

 // Display the raindrop
 void setLocation(float tempX, float tempY) {
   x = tempX;
   y = tempY;

 void display() {
   text(typeD,x, y);


 // If the drop is caught
 void caught() {
   // Stop it from moving by setting speed equal to zero
   speed = 0;
   // Set the location to somewhere way off-screen
   y = - 1000;



timer tab
class Timer {

 int savedTime; // When Timer started
 int totalTime; // How long Timer should last

 int timeLeft;
 Timer(int tempTotalTime) {
   totalTime = tempTotalTime;

 // Starting the timer
 void start() {
   // When the timer starts it stores the current time in milliseconds.
   savedTime = millis();

 // The function isFinished() returns true if 5,000 ms have passed.
 // The work of the timer is farmed out to this method.
 boolean isFinished() {
   // Check how much time has passed
   int passedTime = millis()- savedTime;
   if (passedTime > totalTime) {
     return true;
   else {
     return false;

color tracking tab
void checkCol(){

 for(int i = 0 ; i < width*height ; i++){
   color fgColor = video.pixels[i];
   color bgColor = backgroundImage.pixels[i];

   float r1 = red(fgColor);
   float g1 = green(fgColor);
   float b1 = blue(fgColor);
   int I1 = int((0.3*r1+0.59*g1+0.11*b1));

   float r2 = red(bgColor);
   float g2 = green(bgColor);
   float b2 = blue(bgColor);

   int I2 = int((0.3*r2+0.59*g2+0.11*b2));
   float diff = dist(r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2);
   int greydiff = abs(I1-I2);

   if (diff >= 50) {
     pixels[i] = color(0,0,0);
something here?
   if (diff < 50) {
     // pixels[loc] = fgColor;
     pixels[i] = color(255,255,255);
something here?



Re: Need Help on interaction part!
Reply #1 - May 2nd, 2010, 5:29am
ie. if the background different>=50 , the texts stick on it. but if background different <50, the texts continue the falling.

I cannot make it in a simple code but cannot deal with the class item.
anyone can help?? thanks!!!
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