Hi there...
I've written a program which gradually abstracts a starting photo, spreading the colours around. It works by repeatedly drawing a fans of points from pixels in the original photo - a bit like a simple airbrush. The angle of the "spray" is dependent on the hue, but the base angle keeps rotating by 1 degree per second which makes it more interesting as colours then tend to migrate around over time.
This program is part of a larger project and will eventually be a method in that project.
This runs rather slowly - try it out - you will need a 640 by 480 image which you will be prompted to load. I just wondered if anyone had any suggestions for optimisation? Given some of the programs I have seen in Processing and the numbers of particles, I have a feeling it must be possible to write this more efficiently.
The only rewards I can offer are my gratitude and admiration

Quote:PImage img;
float angle; //angle to draw the sprays at
float angleinc=0; //increment - base angle for sprays changes by 1 degree per second
int x, y; //position to draw the sprays from
int timecheck; //need this to increment angle by one degree every second.
void setup()
size(640, 480);
colorMode(HSB, 360, 255, 255);
String getfile = selectInput();
if(getfile!=null) img = loadImage(getfile);
set(0, 0, img);
void draw()
for(int i=0; i<pixels.length; i++)
int randno = (int)random(0, 100);
if(i%100==randno) //only do every 1 in 100 pixels. But keep changing the remainder to stop aliasing effects.
angle = (hue(pixels[i]) + angleinc)%360; //angle depends on hue. But base angle keeps rotating around, 1 degree per second
y= (int)(i/width);
x= i - y*width;
spray(x, y, pixels[i], radians(angle), 200);
void spray(int xpos, int ypos, color c, float angle, int amount) // draw a 45 degree fan of dots from the initial position at specified angle.
translate(xpos, ypos);
rotate(angle); //rotate to the "base" angle of the spray
for(int i=0; i<amount; i++)
float deviation = random(-PI/8, PI/8); //random deviation from base angle
int distance= (int)random(0, 20); //distance from base point
rect(distance,0, 1,1);