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Programming a Simple Chess Game (Read 787 times)
Programming a Simple Chess Game
Apr 28th, 2010, 6:28pm
Hello! I'm attempting to create a simple chess game for an upcoming programming project.

I'm needing some help visualizing what I'm wanting to do. I'm a huge fan of chess and I understand it inside in out. I'd like to have the player play against the computer, but I'm afraid that'd be too hard at my level of programming. So I intend to have one player versus another (they "take turns" using the mouse to make their move).

I'm deciding between trying to texture a square with a picture of a chess piece, or creating the pieces out of simple shapes.

If I were to do the latter, how would I allow the player to "click and drag" a certain piece to where he or she wants it?

When I try to texture a rectangle, I get the error of having the wrong renderer or something. I'll post the code I have for it when I get it working. Any tips for that?

I also intend to have a chess clock on the side, and maybe some sort of "Choose Your Country" option which would change the design of a flag above and below the clocks. But that's all to be done far in the future.

Any advice for me? How do I solve my player's "click and drag" problem? Thank you! Smiley
Re: Programming a Simple Chess Game
Reply #1 - Apr 28th, 2010, 7:08pm
That's a lot to cover. I suggest you ditch the clock idea for now, and focus on working out the simulation of a chess game, probably with a 2D view so you can see what's going on. I started one myself a while ago...

Maybe it'll help (if not, oh well), but here's as far as I got (keep in mind this is some of my older code; it's not up to my current standards!):

static int squareSize = 40;
ChessSet MySet = new ChessSet(squareSize);

void setup(){
 size( (8*squareSize)+1, (8*squareSize)+1 );

void draw(){

class ChessSet {

 int isquareSize;
 ChessPiece[] pieces;

 ChessSet(int squareSize) {
   isquareSize = ( squareSize > 0 ) ? squareSize : 20;
   pieces = new ChessPiece[32];
   pieces[0] = new ChessPiece( 0, 6, 1, true );
   pieces[1] = new ChessPiece( 1, 6, 1, true );
   pieces[2] = new ChessPiece( 2, 6, 1, true );
   pieces[3] = new ChessPiece( 3, 6, 1, true );
   pieces[4] = new ChessPiece( 4, 6, 1, true );
   pieces[5] = new ChessPiece( 5, 6, 1, true );
   pieces[6] = new ChessPiece( 6, 6, 1, true );
   pieces[7] = new ChessPiece( 7, 6, 1, true );
   pieces[8] = new ChessPiece( 0, 1, 1, false );
   pieces[9] = new ChessPiece( 1, 1, 1, false );
   pieces[10] = new ChessPiece( 2, 1, 1, false );
   pieces[11] = new ChessPiece( 3, 1, 1, false );
   pieces[12] = new ChessPiece( 4, 1, 1, false );
   pieces[13] = new ChessPiece( 5, 1, 1, false );
   pieces[14] = new ChessPiece( 6, 1, 1, false );
   pieces[15] = new ChessPiece( 7, 1, 1, false );
   pieces[16] = new ChessPiece( 0, 7, 2, true );
   pieces[17] = new ChessPiece( 1, 7, 3, true );
   pieces[18] = new ChessPiece( 2, 7, 4, true );
   pieces[19] = new ChessPiece( 3, 7, 6, true );
   pieces[20] = new ChessPiece( 4, 7, 5, true );
   pieces[21] = new ChessPiece( 5, 7, 4, true );
   pieces[22] = new ChessPiece( 6, 7, 3, true );
   pieces[23] = new ChessPiece( 7, 7, 2, true );
   pieces[24] = new ChessPiece( 0, 0, 2, false );
   pieces[25] = new ChessPiece( 1, 0, 3, false );
   pieces[26] = new ChessPiece( 2, 0, 4, false );
   pieces[27] = new ChessPiece( 3, 0, 6, false );
   pieces[28] = new ChessPiece( 4, 0, 5, false );
   pieces[29] = new ChessPiece( 5, 0, 4, false );
   pieces[30] = new ChessPiece( 6, 0, 3, false );
   pieces[31] = new ChessPiece( 7, 0, 2, false );    

 int pieceAt(int column, int row ){
   for( int i = 0; i< pieces.length; i++) {
     if ( ( pieces[i].getColumn() == column ) && ( pieces[i].getRow() == row ) ) {
       return( pieces[i].getType() );

 boolean whoOwns(int column, int row ){
   if( !isEmpty( column, row ) ) {
     for( int i = 0; i< pieces.length; i++) {
       if ( ( pieces[i].getColumn() == column ) && ( pieces[i].getRow() == row ) ) {
         return( pieces[i].getIsWhite() );

 boolean isEmpty(int column, int row ){
   return( pieceAt(column, row) == 0 );

 void draw(){
   for ( int i=0; i<8; i++ ) {
     for ( int j=0; j<8; j++ ) {
       if( ((i+j) % 2) == 1){
       rect( (i*isquareSize), (j*isquareSize), isquareSize, isquareSize); // Draw a background square
       // Draw a piece if there is one there.
       if( !isEmpty(i, j) ){
         if( whoOwns( i, j ) ) {
         int temp = pieceAt( i, j );
         rect( (i*isquareSize)+5, (j*isquareSize)+5, isquareSize-29+(3*temp), isquareSize-29+(3*temp) );
 } // End ChessSet.draw()


class ChessPiece {

 int icolumn;
 int irow;
 int itype;
 boolean iisLive = true;
 boolean iisWhite;

 ChessPiece( int column, int row, int type, boolean isWhite ) {
   icolumn = column;
   irow = row;
   itype = type;
   iisWhite = isWhite;

 int getRow(){

 int getColumn(){

 int getType(){

 boolean getIsWhite(){

 void setColumn(int column){
   if( iisLive ){
     icolumn = column;

 void setRow(int row){
   if( iisLive ){
     irow = row;

 void setType(int type){
   if( iisLive ){
     itype = type;

 void kill(){
   iisLive = false;
   irow = -1;
   icolumn = -1;
   itype = 0;

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