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opencv processing library for Java (Read 1569 times)
opencv processing library for Java
Apr 27th, 2010, 8:45am
I have installed opencv 2.0 on my windows system. System's "path" is set to bin of opencv. Then I have downloaded processing and opencv processing library opencv_01.

I have copied opencv.dll and opencv.jar in the home directory.

I am trying to run the following program on netbeans.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.image.MemoryImageSource;
import hypermedia.video.*;

public class BlobDetection extends Frame implements Runnable {
     // program execution frame rate (millisecond)
     final int FRAME_RATE  = 1000/30;
     // threshold value for removing noises
     final float THRESHOLD = 80f;
     OpenCV cv = null;      // OpenCV Object
     Thread t  = null;      // the program thread
     // the input video stream image
     Image frame       = null;
     Blob[] blobs = null;
      * Setup Frame and Object(s).
     BlobDetection() {
           super( "Blob Detection Sample" );
           // OpenCV setup
           cv = new OpenCV();
           cv.capture( 640, 480 );
           cv.cascade( OpenCV.CASCADE_FRONTALFACE_ALT );
           // frame setup
           this.setBounds( 100, 100, cv.width, cv.height );
           this.setBackground( Color.BLACK );
           this.setVisible( true );
                 new KeyAdapter() {
                       public void keyReleased( KeyEvent e ) {
                             if ( e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE ) { // ESC : release OpenCV resources
                                   t = null;
                             if ( e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_SPACE ) // SPACE : record background
           // start running program
           t = new Thread( this );
      * Release OpenCV resources.
     public void stop() {
           t = null;
      * Draw video frame and each detected faces area.
     public void paint( Graphics g ) {
           if ( frame==null || blobs==null ) return;
           // draw image
           //g.drawImage( frame, 0, 0, null );
           // draw blobs
           for( Blob b : blobs ) {
                 // define blob's contour
                 Polygon shape = new Polygon();
                 for( Point p : b.points ) shape.addPoint( p.x, p.y );
                 // fill blob
                 g.setColor( b.isHole ? Color.RED : Color.BLUE );
                 g.fillPolygon( shape );
      * Execute this sample.
     public void run() {
           while( t!=null && cv!=null ) {
                 try {
                       t.sleep( FRAME_RATE );
                       // grab image from video stream
                       //cv.flip( OpenCV.FLIP_HORIZONTAL );
                       // create a new image from cv pixels data
                       MemoryImageSource mis = new MemoryImageSource( cv.width, cv.height, cv.pixels(), 0, cv.width );
                       frame = createImage( mis );
                       // prepare image for detection
                       cv.threshold( THRESHOLD );
                       // detect blobs
                       blobs = cv.blobs( 30, cv.width*(cv.height/2), 100, true, OpenCV.MAX_VERTICES*4 );
                       // of course, repaint
                 catch( InterruptedException e ) {;}
      * Main method.
      * @param String[]      list of arguments's user passed from the console to this program
     public static void main( String[] args ) {
           System.out.println( "\nOpenCV blob detection sample" );
           System.out.println( "PRESS SPACE BAR TO RECORD BACKGROUND IMAGE\n" );
           new BlobDetection();


I am getting errors like
Verify that the java.library.path property is correctly set and the '\path\to\OpenCV\bin' exists in your system PATH

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: hypermedia.video.OpenCV.capture(III)V
       at hypermedia.video.OpenCV.capture(Native Method)
       at hypermedia.video.OpenCV.capture(OpenCV.java:945)
       at testprocessing.BlobDetection.<init>(BlobDetection.java:52)
       at testprocessing.BlobDetection.main(BlobDetection.java:155)

Can any one let me know the problem?
Re: opencv processing library for Java
Reply #1 - Apr 27th, 2010, 10:04am
There is already a thread about this problem: http://processing.org/discourse/yabb2/num_1238338691.html
Whatever, I got the same problem, than I downloaded the newest() version 2.1.0 of OpenCV and it worked without any problem!!
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