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Intergrating sensor values (Read 1129 times)
Intergrating sensor values
Apr 22nd, 2010, 10:45am
Currently I have two processing sketches, one taking in a live video feed and then working out a light/darkness value and replacing pixels with Images to create a mosaic of the live feed,
the other is using processing to take in a value from a proximity sensor and simply printing out the value, once mapped.

What i am trying to do is, depending on the value taken from the proximity sensor, display the images in the mosaic at a certain size, ie the closer to the screen (higher value) the larger the image and vice-versa.

Currently I was thinking I would need to work along the lines of having my switch statement inside another switch statement of the sensor value.

any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Intergrating sensor values
Reply #1 - Apr 23rd, 2010, 5:23am
Hope this helps a little bit more here is my code;

// Reference appropriate
import processing.video.*;
PImage black, white, blue, green, pink, dark, light, lighter, people, street2, streetcar2, crowd, lightcrowd, car; //define all the colour variable names we're to use here

Capture video;
int sx, sy;
int cellsizeX,cellsizeY;
float density;
int[][][] world;

// define temp variables for image co-ordinates
int tempX,tempY;

void setup()
frameRate (1);
size(1440, 990);
//println(width + ", " + height);
cellsizeY = 28;
cellsizeX = 33;
density = 0.5;
sx = width/cellsizeX;
sy = height/cellsizeY;
world = new int[sx][sy][2];
video = new Capture(this, width, height, 30);

// preload images
black = loadImage("black.jpg");
white = loadImage("white.jpg");
blue = loadImage("blue.jpg");
green = loadImage("green.jpg");
pink = loadImage("pink.jpg");
dark = loadImage("darksmall.jpg");
light = loadImage("light.jpg");
lighter = loadImage("lighter.jpg");
people = loadImage("people.jpg");
street2 = loadImage("street2.jpg");
streetcar2 = loadImage("streetcar2.jpg");
crowd = loadImage("crowd.gif");
lightcrowd = loadImage("lightcrowd.jpg");
car = loadImage("car.jpg");


void draw()

image(video, 0, 0, width, height); // Draw webcam feed to screen
video.loadPixels(); // Load pixels
int index = 0; // Index defines which pixel is referred to (sequentially, rather than with an x and y value)

for (int x = 1; x <= width; x +=cellsizeX)
for (int y = 1; y <= height; y +=cellsizeY)
index = (((y+1)*width)-x); // Convert x and y values of the pixel in focus to the sequential format of 'index'
color pixelValue = video.pixels[index]; // Retrieve colour value of current pixel
int colour = int(abs(red(pixelValue)-0)+abs(green(pixelValue)-255)+abs(blue(pixelValue)-0)); // Convert the colour value to something I understand, in the range 0.0 (white) to 510.0 (black)... I think
int loc = (video.width + x + 1) - y*video.width; //trying to Reversing x to mirror the image

// what co-ordinates are we using? variables defined in case we need to mess with them.
tempX = x;
tempY = y;

// map colour to a smaller scale
colour = int(map(colour,255,500,0,100));
println(colour); // Output colour value to the console

switch (colour) { // check using switch - it's faster!

case 0: // the blackests of the blacks.
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:

case 5: // the blackests of the blacks.
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
// etc for more cases.


import processing.serial.*;
import cc.arduino.*;

Arduino arduino;
int sensorPin = 0;
int sensorValue;

void setup() {
// size(470, 280);
arduino = new Arduino(this, Arduino.list()[0], 115200);

arduino.pinMode(sensorValue, Arduino.INPUT);

void draw() {

sensorValue = arduino.analogRead(sensorPin);

//map sensor value, smaller scale
sensorValue = int(map(sensorValue,0,500,0,25)); //short-range sensor

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