I'm happy to announce the availability of version 0.8.3 of my camera-control library for 3D sketches, PeasyCam ("P" for Processing, "Peasy" for easy-peasy).
http://mrfeinberg.com/peasycam/This (minor) version introduces a new method, "apply", that lets you apply a saved CameraState to any PGraphics (or PApplet). This would allow you to "playback" a series of camera moves, for example.
Code:CameraState saved = cam.getState();
PGraphics g = createGraphics(...);
About PeasyCam Code:PeasyCam camera;
void setup() {
camera = new PeasyCam(this, 0, 0, 0, 50);
That's it. Now a mouse left-drag will rotate the camera around the subject, a right drag will zoom in and out, and a middle-drag (command-left-drag on mac) will pan. A double-click restores the camera to its original position.
Development is hosted at GitHub:
http://github.com/jdf/peasycam/It is free for all uses, per the Apache 2.0 license. Please try it out, and let me know how it goes for you.