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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSyntax Questions › PLEASE HELP!! URGENT!! Moving Curves with MouseX
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PLEASE HELP!! URGENT!! Moving Curves with MouseX (Read 969 times)
PLEASE HELP!! URGENT!! Moving Curves with MouseX
Apr 21st, 2010, 8:31am
Hi there,
I have an assessment due and I can't figure out how to move/reflect a curve using the MouseX function (I'm very amateur!)

What I'm trying to do is go from a smiley face to a frown face as I move the cursor from left to right.

for example going from this smiley face:

ellipse (350,150,200,200); // face
fill (0);
ellipse (320, 120, 15, 30); //left eye
ellipse (380, 120, 15, 30); //right eye

noFill(); // Smile
vertex(300, 180);
bezierVertex(310, 220, 390, 220, 400, 180);

and then changing the smile to this in a smooth, continual motion (so the curve is bending as you move):

noFill(); // Smile
vertex(300, 180);
bezierVertex(310, 150, 390, 150, 400, 180);

ANY suggestions would be hugely appreciated! Thank you!!
Re: PLEASE HELP!! URGENT!! Moving Curves with MouseX
Reply #1 - Apr 21st, 2010, 10:37am
ok, first of all you need a little clean up with your program format. When you are setting things up (like stroke color, background, size etc) you should put it in a a function called setup.

and when you want to draw things, you should put them in a function called draw.

what this does is it will keep running draw over and over again, which allows you to work with mouse input.

all i did was make the functions i mentioned, and put mouseY in for the Y position of your bezier. I assume you meant the Y axiz

X is across
Y is up and down

void setup(){
void draw(){
 ellipse (350,150,200,200); // face
 fill (0);
 ellipse (320, 120, 15, 30); //left eye
 ellipse (380, 120, 15, 30); //right eye
 noFill(); // Smile
 vertex(300, 180);
 bezierVertex(310, mouseY, 390, mouseY, 400, 180);

now, if you want to put limits on your mouth you can. Either by using a variable, or adding a scale to the mouse position.

Good luck
Re: PLEASE HELP!! URGENT!! Moving Curves with MouseX
Reply #2 - Apr 21st, 2010, 10:53am
Wow. Thank you SO very much. This was a giant help!
Re: PLEASE HELP!! URGENT!! Moving Curves with MouseX
Reply #3 - Apr 21st, 2010, 10:54am
Would you mind telling me how I use a vairable or add a scale to the mouse position? I'm so sorry!!
Re: PLEASE HELP!! URGENT!! Moving Curves with MouseX
Reply #4 - Apr 21st, 2010, 11:04am
you could change "mouseY" to something like "mouseY/4+100" (random numbers you'd have to mess with it)

or you can make a variable:

int a=mouseY //this declares a variable named a with a value of mouseY
bezierVertex(310, a, 390, a, 400, 180);//puts in mouseY where a is

you could then do some if statements. so if a>(whatever you want as a max) set a=(that max). and the same for a min



you can mess around with that until you get the right numbers
Re: PLEASE HELP!! URGENT!! Moving Curves with MouseX
Reply #5 - Apr 21st, 2010, 11:08am
Champion. Thank you eternally!
Re: PLEASE HELP!! URGENT!! Moving Curves with MouseX
Reply #6 - Apr 21st, 2010, 1:20pm
I'm so sorry to be a nuisance!!  I'm having quite a few problems... first of all my text isn't displaying.....secondly I have been playing around with numbers for ages and whilst I've got the happy face restricted, I can't get the sad face restricted!! Plus I have one eyebrow -I'm trying to add the other one:
float angle = map(mouseX-100, 0, width, 0, PI/-5);
translate(300, 90);
line(0, 0, 30, 0);

but it won't let me do that either. I must be formatting wrong again. Im so sorry to do this to you...

void setup(){
PFont font;
font = loadFont ("Arial-Black-12.vlw");
fill (0);
text("AFTER Processing entered my life...", 10,370);
text("... BEFORE Processing entered my life", 450,370);

void draw(){
background(255); //white background
fill(255,230,0); //yellow face colour
ellipse (350,150,200,200); // face
fill (0);
ellipse (320, 120, 15, 30); //left eye
ellipse (380, 120, 15, 30); //right eye
noFill(); // Smile
vertex(300, 190);
bezierVertex(310, mouseX/2-100, 390, mouseX/2-100, 400, 190);
float angle = map(mouseX-100, 0, width, 0, PI/5);// Brow
translate(370, 90);
line(0, 0, 30, 0);
Re: PLEASE HELP!! URGENT!! Moving Curves with MouseX
Reply #7 - Apr 21st, 2010, 2:13pm
SORTED EVERYTHING OUT!! Thanks anyway!!!
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