Not sure what is going on, but if I sort with Excel your table on the "Percentage change in total grant", I get the same order as in the PDF...
There are points you can improve in your code, BTW:
- There is redundancy between your multiple array of data (with fixed length defined in code!) and the array list of university data objects.
- You create each object twice, dropping the first one.
- You should let the class to choose the color in the constructor.
And some others.
Here is my version, producing a result close of your, but alas still incorrect on the sort side...
import processing.pdf.*;
XlsReader reader;
PFont font;
ArrayList uniArrayList;
float spacePerUni;
class CompareNames implements Comparator
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
return ((UniversityObject) o1).uniName.compareTo(((UniversityObject) o2).uniName);
class CompareFloats implements Comparator
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
return (int)(((UniversityObject) o1).perChangeFloat - ((UniversityObject) o2).perChangeFloat);
void setup(){
size(400, 700, PDF, "file.pdf");
font = createFont("Arial", 4);
uniArrayList = new ArrayList();//create an empty list.
reader = new XlsReader( this, "UniversityFunding10.xls" );
int numCounter = reader.getFirstRowNum() + 1;//finds first cell with content. Skip title
int lastCell = reader.getLastRowNum();
boolean bReadNext = true;
while (numCounter <= lastCell) // Never reach it if we have the "Total" cell.
String university = reader.getString(numCounter, 0);
if (university.equals("Total"))
int totalFunding = reader.getInt(numCounter, 1);
int wideningParticipation = reader.getInt(numCounter, 2);
int totalResearch = reader.getInt(numCounter, 3);
int recurrentGrant = reader.getInt(numCounter, 6);
float percentageChange = reader.getFloat(numCounter, 7);
uniArrayList.add(new UniversityObject(numCounter, university, totalFunding,
wideningParticipation, totalResearch, recurrentGrant, percentageChange, 0));
spacePerUni = (height-200)/uniArrayList.size();//finds how much vertical space for each uni.
println(uniArrayList.size()+" arraylist '10 size");
}//end of setup.
void draw(){
Collections.sort(uniArrayList, new CompareFloats());
for(int i=0; i<uniArrayList.size(); i++){
UniversityObject uo = (UniversityObject) uniArrayList.get(i);
}//end of draw.
class UniversityObject {//define my class.
int num;//no. of uni in list..
String uniName;//class variables.
int totalFundingInt;
int wideningParInt;
int totalResearchInt;
int recGrantInt;
float perChangeFloat;
color c;
int yearsBack;
UniversityObject(int tempNum, String tempUniName, int tempTotalFundingInt, int tempWideningParInt, int tempTotalResearchInt, int tempRecGrantInt, Float tempPerChangeFloat, int tempYearsBack) {// constructor.
num = tempNum;
uniName = tempUniName;
totalFundingInt = tempTotalFundingInt;
wideningParInt = tempWideningParInt;
totalResearchInt = tempTotalResearchInt;
recGrantInt = tempRecGrantInt;
perChangeFloat = tempPerChangeFloat;
if (perChangeFloat > 0)
c = color(0, 0, 255);
c = color(255, 0, 0, 100);
yearsBack = tempYearsBack;
void display(int i) {//function of the ojects created by the class.
num = i;
rect(width/2, 21 + num*5 - spacePerUni/2, perChangeFloat*10, spacePerUni);
text(uniName + " " + perChangeFloat +"%", (width/2)+(perChangeFloat*10)+5, 22+(num*5));
fill(255, 0, 0);
text(uniName + " " + perChangeFloat +"%", (width/2)+5, 22+(num*5));
Will investigate more.