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Urgent help please on a project (Read 624 times)
Urgent help please on a project
Apr 19th, 2010, 7:41am
Hi all,

I have a project that I'd like to create as a final piece for my MA course.

I basically want to make something similar to "The Beauty of Fluid Dynamics Part 2 by Jens Heinen" ( please google for the vimeo link as I cannot put links on this post)
but with the addition that the background will be all white and as the user's reflection is shown on screen, where the reflection hits on the white background, different sounds will be generated
( basically i'd designate different sounds for different locations of the background so that when the reflection is cast on a particular part of the background, the designated sound plays). Embarrassed

i'm totally new to Processing and have basic/intermediate flash skills. I've tried to find info on where to start but to no success. Cry

Please can someone tell me where i should start off? This may sound really harsh but my deadline is soon and I only need to learn Processing enough for me to create this idea. Cry
Once the project is complete i truly hope to learn Processing in-depth as I think it's brilliant for creative types and students like myself.

So .. does anyone have any good tips on where to start? which libraries? how to get started with this project?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!  Smiley

Thank you all so much in advance
Re: Urgent help please on a project
Reply #1 - Apr 19th, 2010, 8:15am
I think a good way to start, if you want to try and cut-and-paste something together quickly, would be to download Processing and look at some of the example programs that come with it. As I recall there are some camera/tracking ones and some sound ones and you should be able to cobble together something basic from there, if you are good.

You're not going to get the sort of sophistication of Fluid Dynamics 2 without really understanding Processing, though - there's just too much going on there.

Good luck!
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