Hi everyone !
I'm a very beginner in programming. I've learned a few basics of the C and Python langage and since Processing is not very far away from thoses I wanted to experiment something.
I want to do a tiny animation only with circles (kind of a menu, but don't mind about it).
Here are the step of how the animation will be

(sorry for drawing only with my mouse)
As you can guess this is what will happen
1) Tiny grey circle
2) When clicked...
3) ... a darker circle grows from behind the first circle (i want it to be not too fast so you can quickly see it growing)
4) Second circle have reached the size (maybe with a little eye candy, like bouncing on the predefined edge... I don't know how to explain that)
5 and 6) then three cicles appears and stop near the darker circle with their center linked to the center of the main circle
My explainations are messy, I wish I was better in English.
Anyway, I can't figure out how to make the second circle grow slowly and also how to make it appear behind the first circle. Once that passed, I think the rest will be simple... I hope
As I am a beginner, I don't expect and I
don't want people who want to help me to give me the answer, but to give me clues on how to achieve that. This will be more interesting to figure out most of the thing by myself.
Thank you very much in advance for your answers !