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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › project due tomorrow!!online waiting for debug!
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project due tomorrow!!online waiting for debug! (Read 577 times)
project due tomorrow!!online waiting for debug!
Apr 15th, 2010, 6:37pm
Hey guys~~i have some problems on my program. I was trying to get the readings from the arduino and then using that number as a index to load image from my computer. but i keep getting the "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 111" report.....
my project is due tomorrow...really appreciate if you could help!!!

import processing.serial.*;

Serial myPort;  
int val;  
int i;
PImage[] images = new PImage[i];

void setup()
 size(400, 400);
 String portName = Serial.list()[0];
 myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);
 images[111] = loadImage("111.jpg");
 . // i just omit the other 68 commands between these two
 images[444] = loadImage("444.jpg");

void draw()
 if ( myPort.available() > 0) {  
   val = myPort.read();      
 i = val;
 image(images[i], 0, 0);
Re: project due tomorrow!!online waiting for debug!
Reply #1 - Apr 15th, 2010, 7:03pm
part of my arduino code:
void loop() {
 pulseCount = 0;    
 while(digitalRead(pulse_in) == 0) {}
 while(digitalRead(pulse_in) == 1) {  

 pulseCount++; }
 val1 = (pulseCount * .0000053) * 2;
 val1 = 1/val1;
 rval1 = val1;
 if (rval1 <= 300)
   inde1 = 1;
 else if (rval1 > 300 && rval1 <= 1200)
   inde1 = 2;
 else if (rval1 > 1200 && rval1 <= 3000)
   inde1 = 3;
   inde1 = 4;
 pulseCount = 0;
 while(digitalRead(pulse_in) == 0) {}
 while(digitalRead(pulse_in) == 1) {
 pulseCount++; } // loop while Hi
 val2 = (pulseCount * .0000053) * 2;
 val2 = 1/val2; // calculate frequency
 rval2 = val2;
 if (rval2 <= 300)
   inde2 = 1;
 else if (rval2 > 300 && rval2 <= 1200)
   inde2 = 2;
 else if (rval2 > 1200 && rval2 <= 3000)
   inde2 = 3;
   inde2 = 4;
 pulseCount = 0;
 while(digitalRead(pulse_in) == 0) {}
 while(digitalRead(pulse_in) == 1) {
 pulseCount++; } // loop while Hi
 val3 = (pulseCount * .0000053) * 2;
 val3 = 1/val3;
 rval3 = val3;
 if (rval3 <= 300)
   inde3 = 1;
 else if (rval3 > 300 && rval3 <= 1200)
   inde3 = 2;
 else if (rval3 > 1200 && rval3 <= 3000)
   inde3 = 3;
   inde3 = 4;

 inde8 = (inde1 * 100) + (inde2 * 10) + inde3;
Re: project due tomorrow!!online waiting for debug!
Reply #2 - Apr 16th, 2010, 12:18am
int i;
PImage[] images = new PImage[i];

i is zero at this point, so you create an empty array. So images[111] = loadImage("111.jpg"); is making the error you see.
Your method can be argued (ie. there are better ways) but if you need to go fast and dirty, just hard-code the new PImage[MAX] with MAX being the higher number you use plus one.
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