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IndexSuggestions & BugsWebsite,  Documentation,  Book Bugs › createGraphics ref is inaccurate
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createGraphics ref is inaccurate (Read 1541 times)
createGraphics ref is inaccurate
Apr 14th, 2010, 2:40am
"Note that transparency levels are binary: pixels are either complete opaque or transparent. For the time being (as of release 0127), this means that text characters will be opaque blocks. This will be fixed in a future release (Bug 641)."
This section doesn't see true anymore. I have a sketch drawing text (size 50) on a JAVA2D graphics, then using the result as a mask on a P2D graphics, then using image() to draw the result on the sketch surface with checkered background. I can clearly see semi-transparent pixels making the anti-aliasing of the font.

"renderer        Either P2D (not yet implemented), P3D, JAVA2D, PDF, DXF"
The part in bold should be removed, no

"Returns        PImage or null"
Obviously returns PGraphics instead.
Re: createGraphics ref is inaccurate
Reply #1 - Apr 16th, 2010, 2:32pm
Thanks. Updated in the file, will change with the next site update and software release.
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