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Need Help with video Streamin Boxes above text (Read 1009 times)
Need Help with video Streamin Boxes above text
Apr 12th, 2010, 3:24am
Hey guys ,

I am working on a program for an exhibition  . The main idea is to combine text mosaic and above that to have some boxes of the real video (with a small offset)

this is what i got :

1st tab:
import processing.video.*;
Capture video;
Box[] boxArray = new Box[25];
int f=0;

//create class Mosaic
Mosaic myMosaic;

void setup()
   video = new Capture(this,640,480,15);
   //define class Mosaic
   myMosaic = new Mosaic();
   for(int i = 0; i<boxArray.length; i++)
   { boxArray[i] = new Box();


void draw()
 //create an if/else form to animate the boxes depenting on the frame count
 if (video.available())
 { video.read();
 //call class Mosaic
 int moveCounter = int(random(0, boxArray.length));
 for(int i = 0; i<boxArray.length; i++)
   //if(frameCount == 1+f)
   {   //f = f+24;
      //if(i%2 == 0) boxArray[i].move();
      //else if(i%2 == 1) boxArray[i].move();
      // boxArray[i].display();



2nd tab (class for the video boxes):
class Box
 int Xpos;
 int Ypos;
 int BoxW;
 int BoxH;
 int cols;
 int rows;
 int visibleCounter;
 //this is freek jans code for the PImage
 public final static int visibleWindow = 5;
 public final static int lifeTime = 200;
 int birth;
 int speed = 4;
 PImage img;
 boolean visible;
   Xpos = int(random(100,540));
   Ypos = int(random(100,380));
   BoxW = int(random (50,100));
   BoxH = int(random (50,100));
   cols = int(Xpos/10);
   rows = int(Ypos/10);
   visible = true;
   birth = millis();

   img = createImage(BoxW, BoxH, ARGB);
 //try to animate the box by making a method for a different position
 void move()
 {   Xpos = int(random(10,540));
      Ypos = int(random(100,380));
     //Ypos = int(Xpos+random(0,150));

 void display()
   int i;
   int j;
   int originalLoc;
   int offsetLoc;
   color c;
   for (i = 0; i<BoxW; i++)
     for(j = 0; j<BoxH; j++)
       int pixLocation;
       c = video.pixels[(Xpos + i -10) + (j + Ypos) * video.width];
       img.pixels[i + j*BoxW] = color(red(c),0,0);

   if(alive() || true)
   { image(img, Xpos, Ypos, BoxW, BoxH);
 public boolean alive()
   return (millis() - birth / 1000) < lifeTime;

3rd tab (Class for the text Mosaic):

class Mosaic
 import processing.video.*;

// Size of each cell in the grid, ratio of window size to video size
int videoScale = 10;
// Number of columns and rows in our system
int cols, rows;
// Variable to hold onto capture object
Capture video;

// The source text used in the mosaic pattern. A longer String might produce more interesting results.
String chars = "Kirou-Furs" ;

PFont f;
 // Set up columns and rows
 cols = width/videoScale;
 rows = height/videoScale;
 video = new Capture(this,cols,rows,15);

 // Load the font
 // Using a fixed-width font. In most fonts, individual characters have different widths.
 // In a fixed-width font, all characters have the same width.
 // This is useful here since we intend to display the letters one at a time spaced out evenly.
 // See Section 17.7 for how to display text character by character with a nonfixed width font.
 f = createFont("ArialHebrew-Bold",8,true);
 void display()

   // Read image from the camera
   if (video.available()) {

   // Use a variable to count through chars in String
   int charcount = 0;
   // Begin loop for rows
   for (int j = 0; j < rows; j ++ )
     // Begin loop for columns
     for (int i = 0; i < cols; i ++ )

     // Where are we, pixel-wise?
     int x = i*videoScale;
     int y = j*videoScale;
      // Looking up the appropriate color in the pixel array
     color c = video.pixels[i + j*video.width];
     // Displaying an individual character from the String instead of a rectangle

     // Map the brightness of a pixel to the size of a font
     float b = brightness(video.pixels[i + j*video.width]);
     float fontSize = 20 * (b / 255);

     // One character from the source text is displayed colored accordingly to the pixel location.
     // A counter variable -- charcount -- is used to walk through the source String one character at a time.

     // Go on to the next character
     charcount = (charcount + 1) % chars.length();



The problem is that i constantly get an error in the 3rd tab and i don't get it: "The constructor Capture(kirou_furs_3tabs.Mosaic,int,int,int)" is undefined "

the video offset boxes and the mosaic work perfect separate

can you help (im a bit new in porcessing)
Re: Need Help with video Streamin Boxes above text
Reply #1 - Apr 12th, 2010, 4:02am
Within Mosaic class "this" refers to the instance of the Mosaic object, not a PApplet, you need to pass the main PApplet into the Mosaic object so it can then pass it to the Capture one, e.g.


class Mosaic
Capture video;
Mosaic(PApplet parent)
video=new Capture(parent,cols,rows,15);
Re: Need Help with video Streamin Boxes above text
Reply #2 - Apr 12th, 2010, 6:34am
Thanks this solves the problem there but now i got an error on my void setup

void setup()
   video = new Capture(this,640,480,15);
   //define class Mosaic
   myMosaic = new Mosaic();
   for(int i = 0; i<boxArray.length; i++)
   { boxArray[i] = new Box();


The Constructor is undefined
Re: Need Help with video Streamin Boxes above text
Reply #3 - Apr 12th, 2010, 7:30am
myMosaic = new Mosaic(this);
Re: Need Help with video Streamin Boxes above text
Reply #4 - Apr 13th, 2010, 10:45am
Thanks for the help . Again guys . The program is working now but is really slow and the brightness detection is not working correctly , Is there any way to optimize it ?
Re: Need Help with video Streamin Boxes above text
Reply #5 - Apr 16th, 2010, 6:41am
The program is working now but is really slow . Below i will paste the code i got now . Can anyone help me optimize it so it run smoothly ?

1st Tab:

import processing.video.*;
Capture video;
Box[] boxArray = new Box[25];
int f=0;

//create class Mosaic
Mosaic myMosaic;

void setup()
   video = new Capture(this,640,480,15);
   //define class Mosaic
    myMosaic = new Mosaic(this);
   for(int i = 0; i<boxArray.length; i++)
   { boxArray[i] = new Box();


void draw()
 //create an if/else form to animate the boxes depenting on the frame count
 if (video.available())
 { video.read();
 //call class Mosaic
 int moveCounter = int(random(0, boxArray.length));
 for(int i = 0; i<boxArray.length; i++)
   //if(frameCount == 1+f)
   {   //f = f+24;
      //if(i%2 == 0) boxArray[i].move();
      //else if(i%2 == 1) boxArray[i].move();
      // boxArray[i].display();


2nd Tab:

class Box
 int Xpos;
 int Ypos;
 int BoxW;
 int BoxH;
 int cols;
 int rows;
 int visibleCounter;
 //this is freek jans code for the PImage
 public final static int visibleWindow = 5;
 public final static int lifeTime = 200;
 int birth;
 int speed = 4;
 PImage img;
 boolean visible;
   Xpos = int(random(100,540));
   Ypos = int(random(100,380));
   BoxW = int(random (50,100));
   BoxH = int(random (50,100));
   cols = int(Xpos/10);
   rows = int(Ypos/10);
   visible = true;
   birth = millis();

   img = createImage(BoxW, BoxH, ARGB);
 //try to animate the box by making a method for a different position
 void move()
 {   Xpos = int(random(10,540));
      Ypos = int(random(100,380));
     //Ypos = int(Xpos+random(0,150));

 void display()
   int i;
   int j;
   int originalLoc;
   int offsetLoc;
   color c;
   for (i = 0; i<BoxW; i++)
     for(j = 0; j<BoxH; j++)
       int pixLocation;
       c = video.pixels[(Xpos + i -10) + (j + Ypos) * video.width];
       img.pixels[i + j*BoxW] = color(red(c),0,0);

   if(alive() || true)
   { image(img, Xpos, Ypos, BoxW, BoxH);
 public boolean alive()
   return (millis() - birth / 1000) < lifeTime;

3rd Tab:
class Mosaic
//import processing.video.*;
// Size of each cell in the grid, ratio of window size to video size
int videoScale = 10;
// Number of columns and rows in our system
int cols, rows;
// Variable to hold onto capture object
//Capture video;

PImage img;
// The source text used in the mosaic pattern. A longer String might produce more interesting results.
String chars = "Kirou-Furs" ;

PFont f;
 //PApplet parent was shown to me by a question to the fo
 Mosaic(PApplet parent)
 // Set up columns and rows
 cols = width/videoScale;
 rows = height/videoScale;
// video = new Capture(parent,cols,rows,15);

 // Load the font
 // Using a fixed-width font. In most fonts, individual characters have different widths.
 // In a fixed-width font, all characters have the same width.
 // This is useful here since we intend to display the letters one at a time spaced out evenly.
 // See Section 17.7 for how to display text character by character with a nonfixed width font.
 f = createFont("ArialHebrew-Bold",8,true);
  img = createImage(cols, rows, ARGB);
 void display()

   // Read image from the camera
   if (video.available()) {

   // Use a variable to count through chars in String
   int charcount = 0;
   // Begin loop for rows
   for (int j = 0; j < rows; j ++ )
     // Begin loop for columns
     for (int i = 0; i < cols; i ++ )

     // Where are we, pixel-wise?
     int x = i*videoScale;
     int y = j*videoScale;
      // Looking up the appropriate color in the pixel array
     color c = video.pixels[i + j*video.width];
     // Displaying an individual character from the String instead of a rectangle

     // Map the brightness of a pixel to the size of a font
     float b = brightness(video.pixels[i + j*video.width]);
     float fontSize = 20 * (b / 255);

     // One character from the source text is displayed colored accordingly to the pixel location.
     // A counter variable -- charcount -- is used to walk through the source String one character at a time.

     // Go on to the next character
     charcount = (charcount + 1) % chars.length();


Re: Need Help with video Streamin Boxes above text
Reply #6 - Apr 16th, 2010, 7:49am
Actually i as I see again the Video boxes work Good but the mosaic is really bad . Any ideas?
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