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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpOther Libraries › alternative to springGUI
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alternative to springGUI (Read 1081 times)
alternative to springGUI
Apr 11th, 2010, 7:01pm

I've heard that when you use the springGUI library that it isn't possible to use keyPressed as well..

is this true?

is there a good alternative? I would like to use buttons and something like a pop-up-window where you can enter a number or something like that..

can someone help me? would be very nice..
Re: alternative to springGUI
Reply #1 - Apr 11th, 2010, 11:00pm
an alternative to springGUI would be controlP5 or G4P. below is a sketch that i had written for controlP5 a while ago that uses a pop-up window with an ok and cancel button, now modified to input text.
pop-up-window: if you mean a separate window instead of the box that pops up in the code below and overlays on top of your sketch, you can take a look at the ControlWindow class of controlP5, there is an example inside the examples folder.
(the content of the text-input-field is stored in variable messageBoxString)


import controlP5.*;

ControlP5 controlP5;
int messageBoxResult = -1;
ControlGroup messageBox;
String messageBoxString = "";

void setup() {
 controlP5 = new ControlP5(this);
 controlP5.Button b = controlP5.addButton("toggleBox",1,20,20,100,20);
 b.setLabel("Toggle Box");
 PFont font = createFont("",30);

void draw() {
 if(messageBox.isVisible()) {
 } else {

void toggleBox(int theValue) {
 if(messageBox.isVisible()) {
 } else {

void createMessageBox() {
 // create a group to store the messageBox elements
 messageBox = controlP5.addGroup("messageBox",width/2 - 150,100,300);
 // add a TextLabel to the messageBox.
 Textlabel l = controlP5.addTextlabel("messageBoxLabel","Some MessageBox text goes here.",20,20);
 // add a textfield-controller with named-id inputbox
 // this controller will be linked to function inputbox() below.
 Textfield f = controlP5.addTextfield("inputbox",20,36,260,20);
 // add the OK button to the messageBox.
 // the name of the button corresponds to function buttonOK
 // below and will be triggered when pressing the button.
 controlP5.Button b1 = controlP5.addButton("buttonOK",0,65,80,80,24);
 // by default setValue would trigger function buttonOK,
 // therefore we disable the broadcasting before setting
 // the value and enable broadcasting again afterwards.
 // same applies to the cancel button below.
 // centering of a label needs to be done manually
 // with marginTop and marginLeft
 //b1.captionLabel().style().marginTop = -2;
 //b1.captionLabel().style().marginLeft = 26;
 // add the Cancel button to the messageBox.
 // the name of the button corresponds to function buttonCancel
 // below and will be triggered when pressing the button.
 controlP5.Button b2 = controlP5.addButton("buttonCancel",0,155,80,80,24);
 // centering of a label needs to be done manually
 // with marginTop and marginLeft
 //b2.captionLabel().style().marginTop = -2;
 //b2.captionLabel().style().marginLeft = 16;

// function buttonOK will be triggered when pressing
// the OK button of the messageBox.
void buttonOK(int theValue) {
 println("a button event from button OK.");
 messageBoxString = ((Textfield)controlP5.controller("inputbox")).getText();
 messageBoxResult = theValue;

// function buttonCancel will be triggered when pressing
// the Cancel button of the messageBox.
void buttonCancel(int theValue) {
 println("a button event from button Cancel.");
 messageBoxResult = theValue;

// inputbox is called whenever RETURN has been pressed
// in textfield-controller inputbox
void inputbox(String theString) {
 println("got something from the inputbox : "+theString);
 messageBoxString = theString;
Re: alternative to springGUI
Reply #2 - Apr 12th, 2010, 5:04am
that's exactly what I thought of. thank you very much.
Now I try to understand it, so that I am able to adapt it to my program. but it seems to be very good.

thank you..

that was a great help..
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