YaBB Newbies
Posts: 8
palo alto
Gravity 3d
Apr 10th , 2010, 1:35pm
I have a gravity program that i have made and just recently made it 3d but it is now when i start it slowly zooming in or out. Please respond. Here is the code. PFont font; int pl = int(random(2,20)); Planet[] planets = new Planet[pl]; void setup() { size(1000,1000, P3D); stroke(0); for (int i = 0; i< planets.length; i++ ) { float x = random(1,1000); float y = random(1,1000); float z = random(1,1000); int xy = int (x*1); int yx= int (y*1); int zz= int ((z*1)-500); int co = int(random(1,255)); int col = int(random(1,255)); int colo = int(random(1,255)); float dimeter = random(6,45); float velx1 = random(-2.5,2.5); float vely1 = random(-2.5,2.5); float velz1 = random(-2.5,2.5); // float vely1 = -velx1; if (i == planets.length-1){ xy = width/2; yx = height/2; zz = 0; dimeter = 125; velx1 = 0; vely1 = 0; } planets[i] = new Planet(dimeter,xy,yx,zz,co,col,colo,i,velx1,vely1,velz1); } } void draw() { camera(width/2.0, height/2.0, (height/2) / tan(PI*60.0 / 360.0), width/2.0, height/2.0, 500, 0, 1, 0); lights(); for (int i = 0; i < planets.length; i++ ) { planets[i].display(i); planets[i].update(); // planets[i].checkEdges(); } } class Planet { int t; float xcc = 0; float ycc = 0; float zcc = 0; float xpos; float ypos; float zpos; float diameter; int sunypos = 500; int sunxpos = 500; float gravmax = .1; int col1; int col2; int col3; int curplanet; int num; int i = 1; Planet(float diameter_,float xpos_,float ypos_,float zpos_,int co1,int co2,int co3,int planet,float velx,float vely,float velz) { diameter = diameter_; xpos = (xpos_); ypos = (ypos_); zpos = (zpos_); col1 = co1; col2 =co2; col3 =co3; curplanet = planet; xcc = velx; ycc= vely; zcc = velz; } void update() { // float area = (((diameter/2)*(diameter/2))*3.1415); for (int i = 0;i < planets.length; i++) { if(i == curplanet){ continue; } if(planets.length-1 ==curplanet){ continue; } float area1 = ((((planets[i].diameter/2))*(planets[i].diameter/2)*(planets[i].diameter/2))*3.1415); float disty = (planets[i].ypos-ypos); float distx = (planets[i].xpos-xpos); float distz = (planets[i].zpos-zpos); float distfull = sqrt((distz*distz)+(distx*distx+disty*disty)); if (distfull < (planets[i].diameter/2)){ continue; } float acc = (.01) *(area1/(distfull*distfull)); // print(" dist x="+distx); // print(" dist y="+disty); // print(" full="+distfull); // println(" acc="+acc); //.0000000000667*distx zcc = zcc + (acc*distz/distfull); xcc = xcc + (acc*distx/distfull); ycc = ycc + (acc*disty/distfull); } zpos = zpos + zcc; xpos = xpos + xcc; ypos = ypos + ycc; } /* void checkEdges() { if (xpos > width -(diameter/2)) { xcc = -xcc; } else if (xpos < diameter/2) { xcc = -xcc; } if (ypos > height - (diameter/2)) { ycc = -ycc; } else if (ypos < diameter/2 ) { ycc = -ycc; } }*/ void display(int ti) { t = ti+1; stroke(0); // print(" ycc" +ycc); // println(" xcc" +xcc); // println(diameter+"diam"); if(curplanet == i){ fill(0,0,0,10); background(0); } if(curplanet != 0){ fill(col1,col2,col3); } else{ fill(255,255,255); } if(curplanet == planets.length -1){ fill(255,255,0,233); } //ellipse(int(xpos),int(ypos),diameter,diameter); noStroke(); pushMatrix(); translate(xpos, ypos, zpos); sphere(diameter); popMatrix(); } }