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IndexDiscussionExhibition › spaceship side scrolling mini game
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spaceship side scrolling mini game (Read 1239 times)
spaceship side scrolling mini game
Apr 9th, 2010, 11:20pm
more a proof of concept than a game -

I am using perlin noise for the celling and floor + an extra perlin noise for the shaking of the 'cave'.

I am using the animatedgif library for the space ship and was trying to make some nice explosion with processing.

Also my first try at laser shooting ;)

sorry the code is quite messy - will clean it up when integrating into a real project. I had a hard time trying to figure out how to create an object that loads a library that needs to create an object .. not there yet.

This is my self asing home work from learning processing By daniel Shifman - read more on my blog if you want to see more ;)

Re: spaceship side scrolling mini game
Reply #1 - Apr 10th, 2010, 3:56pm
I'm trying to finish and put online this week a beta version of an arcade game already describe here.

Leave comment there if you want and good luck for your game (many hours needed for coding mine)
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