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small application to check object position (Read 713 times)
small application to check object position
Apr 9th, 2010, 9:20am
I am trying to do a simple sketch and having a samll problem.

I have a car moved with mouseX and mouseY. I also have an array of object (small squares called MBox).

I am comparing the position of the car with Mbox position, and I should increase car credit by 10 each time the car hit the box. I did that in a small funciton in MBox called:
  void checkCarPos()
but it deosnot work well. sometimes ok and sometimes not

Can any one help on this please?


I dont know how to attach my code, but it is below:

// main sketch
int life = 100;
Car myCar;

MBox[] boxes = new MBox [1000];
int counter;

PFont f;

void setup (){
 size (700, 500);
   f = loadFont ("ArialMT-48.vlw");
   myCar = new Car(250,440);


void draw(){

void generateBoxes()
 if (frameCount%160 == 0)
   boxes[counter] = new MBox((int)random (width-200));

void getBoxes()
 for (int i=0; i<counter;i++)

void write(){
   fill (0);
  textFont(f,12); // Specify font to be used
  fill(255);        // Specify font color
  //  Display Text
  text ( "Game Progress" ,555,260);
  text ( "Your Points: "+life ,555,280);


// Mbox

class MBox{
 int x;
 int y;
 int boxW;
 int boxH;
 boolean increment;

 MBox(int x){

 void display (){
   fill (255,0,0);
 void move(){
//    while (this.live==true){
//    }

}// end of move
 void checkCarPos()
  /*   if ((this.x-10 >= mouseX-15 && this.x+10 <= mouseX+15) || (this.x-10 >= mouseX-15 && this.x+10 <=mouseX+15 )&&(this.y-7 >mouseY-30 && this.y+7 <mouseY+30)) // if the box hit the care*/
            println("------------ > -------------");
            println("this.x"+ this.x);

   if (this.x-10>mouseX-15 && this.x+10<mouseX+15 && this.y-7>mouseY-30 && this.y+7<mouseY+30 && this.increment) // if the box hit the care
             this.increment= false;


// Car
public class Car{
 color c;
 float x;
 float y;
 Car(float xpos, float ypos)
   this.x = xpos;
   this.y = ypos;
 // function to move the car
 void display(){
   rectMode (CENTER);
   // Car Body
   fill (100);
   if (mouseX > width - 165)// outside the border of the game
     rect (530,mouseY,30,60);
   rect (530-14, mouseY-20,6,8);
   rect (530+14, mouseY-20,6,8);
   // Lower wheels
   rect (530-14, mouseY+20,6,8);
   rect (530+14, mouseY+20,6,8);
    rect (mouseX,mouseY,30,60);
     // Car upper Wheels
   rect (mouseX-14, mouseY-20,6,8);
   rect (mouseX+14, mouseY-20,6,8);
   // Lower wheels
   rect (mouseX-14, mouseY+20,6,8);
   rect (mouseX+14, mouseY+20,6,8);

Re: small application to check object position
Reply #1 - Apr 9th, 2010, 4:56pm
A matter of some glitch in collision detection probably:
if (mouseX>x-boxW*.5 && mouseX<x+boxW*.5 && mouseY>y-boxH*.5 && mouseY<y+boxH*.5 && this.increment) // if the box hit the care 

try this.
Re: small application to check object position
Reply #2 - Apr 10th, 2010, 7:29am
thanks for reply

what do you mean by (small x) in :

I think it is the same condition, to be more clear, my condition is:

boxX- w/2 > carX - w/2 && box.X + w/2 < carX + w/2 &&
boxY -h/2 > carY - h/2  && boxY + h/2 < carY +h/2

by the way my condition works well when the car hit the box from its side, but when the car is exactly below the box and wait to hit it, the condition does not work
Re: small application to check object position
Reply #3 - Apr 11th, 2010, 9:06am
I got it, it was a silly mistake in Car. display ,,,,,,,,
Condition is right

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