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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › Scatter plot with 'buttons'
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Scatter plot with 'buttons' (Read 1456 times)
Scatter plot with 'buttons'
Apr 2nd, 2010, 10:58am
Hi everyone,

I'm writing a simple scatterplot and would like a bit of help with creating some buttons (maybe an array?).

At the moment the plot displays fine and hovering over each point gives you a label.  I am trying to find a way to make the label display permenantly when you click each point (and turn off if clicked again obviously).

At the moment I'm using a simple .csv with fake data in it:

Name, Use, Useful
cat, 0.43, 0.65
bat, 0.23, 0.28
dog, 0.15, 0.75
pidgeon, 0.85, 0.61

If anyone could help I would really appreciate it.


float xPerc;
float yPerc;
int back;
int plaice;
int chartSize;

void setup(){

 back = 400;
 background (200);

void draw(){
 background (200);

 plaice = 10;
 chartSize = back-plaice*2;

 rect(plaice, plaice, chartSize, chartSize);
 for (int i=0; i<=3; i++){
   line(plaice+(i*(chartSize/4)), plaice, plaice+(i*(chartSize/4)), plaice+chartSize);
   line(plaice, plaice+chartSize-(i*(chartSize/4)), plaice+chartSize, plaice+chartSize-(i*(chartSize/4)));

 String[] data = loadStrings("fakeDat.csv");
 for (int i=1; i < data.length; i++){
   String[] name = split(data[i],",");
   float[] vals = float(split(data[i],","));
   xPerc = vals[1];
   yPerc = vals[2];
   float dotCol1 = map(vals[1],0,1,0,255);
   float dotCol2 = map(vals[2],0,1,0,255);
   fill(dotCol1, dotCol2, 200);

   ellipse(plaice+(xPerc*chartSize),(plaice+chartSize)-(yPerc*chartSize), 10, 10);
   if(mouseX > plaice+(xPerc*chartSize)-10 && mouseX < plaice+(xPerc*chartSize)+10 && mouseY >
     (plaice+chartSize)-(yPerc*chartSize)-10 && mouseY < (plaice+chartSize)-(yPerc*chartSize) +10)
     text (name[0],(plaice+(xPerc*chartSize))+10,(plaice+chartSize)-(yPerc*chartSize));

Re: Scatter plot with 'buttons'
Reply #1 - Apr 2nd, 2010, 7:01pm
Some people use the ControlP5 library to make such buttons...

The other option is to write your own button class.  I am writing up an example of this; it might be useful for others too...
Re: Scatter plot with 'buttons'
Reply #2 - Apr 2nd, 2010, 7:05pm
First of all, I think that you should re-consider stuff in a more Object-Oriented programming way. I took the time to rewrite some of your code implementing an object for each record(field):

float xPerc;
float yPerc;
int back;
int plaice;
int chartSize;

ArrayList fields = new ArrayList();
ArrayList activeFields = new ArrayList();

void setup(){

back = 400;
background (200);

void importData() {
String[] data = loadStrings("fakeDat.csv");
for (int i=0; i < data.length; i++){ //Start from zero, not one
String[] temp=split(data[i],",");
fields.add(new field(temp[0],float(temp[1]),float(temp[2])));

class field {
String name;
float x,y;
field(String namein,float xin,float yin) {

void draw(){
background (200);

plaice = 10;
chartSize = back-plaice*2;

rect(plaice, plaice, chartSize, chartSize);
for (int i=0; i<=3; i++){
line(plaice+(i*(chartSize/4)), plaice, plaice+(i*(chartSize/4)), plaice+chartSize);
line(plaice, plaice+chartSize-(i*(chartSize/4)), plaice+chartSize, plaice+chartSize-(i*(chartSize/4)));

for (int i=0; i < fields.size(); i++){
field f=(field)fields.get(i);
float dotCol1 = map(f.x,0,1,0,255);
float dotCol2 = map(f.y,0,1,0,255);
fill(dotCol1, dotCol2, 200);

ellipse(plaice+(f.x*chartSize),(plaice+chartSize)-(f.y*chartSize), 10, 10);
if(mouseX > plaice+(f.x*chartSize)-10 && mouseX < plaice+(f.x*chartSize)+10 && mouseY >
(plaice+chartSize)-(f.y*chartSize)-10 && mouseY < (plaice+chartSize)-(f.y*chartSize) +10)
text (f.name,(plaice+(f.x*chartSize))+10,(plaice+chartSize)-(f.y*chartSize));

I trust that this will help you in achieving the permanent label display. What you should do is check in the mousePressed() event if a point is under the cursor. If it is, copy it to the activePoints ArrayList. If it is in the activePoints already (check with ArrayList.contains(x)), then remove it (click-again behavior). Then just render the labels of the items present in this ArrayList, apart from anything else you normally render.
Re: Scatter plot with 'buttons'
Reply #3 - Apr 2nd, 2010, 7:19pm
This could mesh nicely with the above advice:

button[] buttons = new button[4];
PFont myFont;

void setup(){
  buttons[0] = new button(100,100,"Trout");
  buttons[1] = new button(200,100,"Lobster");
  buttons[2] = new button(300,100,"Eel");
  buttons[3] = new button(400,100,"Goat");
  rectMode(CENTER); // for nice centered buttons
  textAlign(CENTER,CENTER); // with nice centered text
  myFont=createFont("Courier New", 16); // can be changed to loadFont if you have a .vlw file

void draw(){
  // each frame, update all the buttons:
  for (int i=0;i<buttons.length;i++){

class button{  // declare the class
  // these variables belong to the button class:>
  float xpos,ypos,w,h;
  String myText;
  boolean showText;
  // this is the "constructor" section, where the new button receives
  // variables passed from setup() (in this case) and assigns them appropriately:
  button(float passX, float passY, String passText){
    w=76; // for now, all buttons have the same dimensions.
  // and everything that follows are the functions of the button class:
  void update(){
    if (mouseWithin()){ // the mouse is within the area of the button, so:
      if (mousePressed) fill(220,220,255); // color the button bright blue if the mouse is pressed...
      else fill(150,150,255); // or just blue if the mouse is hovering.
    else fill(175); // otherwise color the rectangle grey.
    rect(xpos,ypos,w,h); // draw the button
    if ((showText) || (mouseWithin())){ // if showText is true, or the mouse is hovering,
      // display the text:
  void click(){ // this function is run when the button is clicked.
    showText=!showText; // in this case, all we want is for it to toggle the "showText" boolean.
  boolean mouseWithin(){
    return ((mouseX>xpos-w/2) && (mouseX<xpos+w/2) && (mouseY>ypos-h/2) && (mouseY<ypos+w/2));
    // this boolean function returns True if the mouse is within the button area,
    // and False if not.

void mousePressed(){
  for (int i=0;i<buttons.length;i++){
    if (buttons[i].mouseWithin()){
      buttons[i].click(); // trigger that button's "click" function
      break; // break the loop in order to stop checking buttons, so that when you
      // click an area of two overlapping buttons, only the top button gets triggered.

Re: Scatter plot with 'buttons'
Reply #4 - Apr 3rd, 2010, 3:14am
Thanks very much to both of you.

There's plenty of stuff in those examples that I haven't seen before so I'm going to sit down and work through them step by step.

I've never thought of writing a class to hold values which then feeds into an array - that will probably solve a number of problems I've been stuck with.

The buttons do just what i wanted so maybe plotting buttons instead of 'points' will work as well.

I'll work on this some more and see what happens.

Thanks again
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