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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSyntax Questions › XML database - It's my birthday :)
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XML database - It's my birthday :) (Read 1073 times)
XML database - It's my birthday :)
Mar 28th, 2010, 2:52pm
hi everybody,

I have a question about how to parse this file:

i cannot get the information of this file. Did i make this XML file wrong?

or must it be like this:
<move player="0" timeFirst="60" timeLast="62" dice1"2" dice2="3" total"5" fromPlace "1" toPlace"5"></move>

here's my code

XMLElement xml;

void setup() {
 //size(500, 500);

void loadXML() {
 xml = new XMLElement(this, "XML_final_2.xml");
 int num_dots = xml.getChildCount();

 for (int i=0; i<num_dots; i++) {
   XMLElement d = xml.getChild(i);
//   int game = d.getIntAttribute("game");
  int move = d.getIntAttribute("move");
 int player = d.getIntAttribute("player");
  int timeFirst = d.getIntAttribute("timeFirst");
  int timeLast = d.getIntAttribute("timeLast");
int dice1 = d.getIntAttribute("dice1");
int dice2 = d.getIntAttribute("dice2");
    int total = d.getIntAttribute("total");
    int fromPlace = d.getIntAttribute("fromPlace");
    int toPlace = d.getIntAttribute("toPlace");




ow, it's my birthday today Smiley
Re: XML database - It's my birthday :)
Reply #1 - Mar 28th, 2010, 7:58pm
Happy Birthday
Re: XML database - It's my birthday :)
Reply #2 - Mar 29th, 2010, 2:26am
I have little experience with Processing's XML parser, but I believe your code is wrong in several ways...

I will go back to this thread later, to do some testing if you need more help, but for now, I just give some hints/suppositions.
- The child of game is moves. The children of moves are each move. Then you have children of move, the various tags.
- The values are not attributes, but content. Use getContent(). Or refactor your XML as you shown.
- Note: you can have several identical elements, eg. two <dice> elements.
Re: XML database - It's my birthday :)
Reply #3 - Mar 30th, 2010, 8:40am
Is that backgammon data? Smiley
Here is code to parse the XML and store it in a structured way (you might want to change this structure, perhaps replacing MovePair with a simple array of two elements):
XMLElement xml;

void setup()

ArrayList moveList = new ArrayList();
class MovePair
 Move movePlayer1;
 Move movePlayer2;

 void Add(Move move)
   if (move.player == 0)
movePlayer1 = move;
   else  // Assume always a pair of 'move' per 'moves'
movePlayer2 = move;

 String toString()
   return "<" + movePlayer1 + ", " + movePlayer2 + ">";
class Move
 int player;
 int timeFirst;
 int timeLast;
 int dice1;
 int dice2;
 int total;
 int fromPlace;
 int toPlace;

 void Add(String tag, String value)
   if (tag.equals("player"))
player = Integer.valueOf(value);
   else if (tag.equals("timeFirst"))
timeFirst = Integer.valueOf(value);
   else if (tag.equals("timeLast"))
timeLast = Integer.valueOf(value);
   else if (tag.equals("dice1"))
dice1 = Integer.valueOf(value);
   else if (tag.equals("dice2"))
dice2 = Integer.valueOf(value);
   else if (tag.equals("total"))
total = Integer.valueOf(value);
   else if (tag.equals("fromPlace"))
fromPlace = Integer.valueOf(value);
   else if (tag.equals("toPlace"))
toPlace = Integer.valueOf(value);
println("Unknown tag: " + tag + " with value: " + value);

 String toString()
   return player + "[(" +
 timeFirst + ", " + timeLast + "), (" +
 dice1 + ", " + dice2 + "), " +
 total +
 fromPlace + ", " + toPlace + ")]";

void ReadXMLData()
 xml = new XMLElement(this, "XML_final_2.xml"); // game
//~   println(xml.getName());
 for (int i = 0; i < xml.getChildCount(); i++)
   XMLElement movesElt = xml.getChild(i); // moves
//~     println(moves.getName());
   MovePair mp = new MovePair();
   for (int j = 0; j < movesElt.getChildCount(); j++) // Always 2?
XMLElement moveElt = movesElt.getChild(j); // move
//~ println(moveElt.getName());
Move move = new Move();
for (int k = 0; k < moveElt.getChildCount(); k++)
 XMLElement e = moveElt.getChild(k);
 String t = e.getName();
 String c = e.getContent();
 move.Add(t, c);

Happy birthday!
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