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IndexDiscussionExhibition › G4P has multiline textfields
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G4P has multiline textfields (Read 584 times)
G4P has multiline textfields
Mar 27th, 2010, 12:23pm
Since the last update for Processing 1.1 and the additional of the new sliders I was contacted by BNichols who had been modifying the text field component to provide multi-line support. Together we have succeeded in extending the existing GTextField class to provide both single line and multi line text.

You can try out the library example shown below online.


I was also contacted by MrFeinBerg the author of the PeasyCam library and the result was a modification of G4P to simplify coding to use PeasyCam and G4P together. This can be seen in the code in the G4P_with_PeasyCam example.

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