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IndexDiscussionExhibition › Simple Rectangular Collision; beginner
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Simple Rectangular Collision; beginner (Read 584 times)
Simple Rectangular Collision; beginner
Mar 26th, 2010, 10:04am
Hi All:

I know there are tons of threads on this topic, but I wanted to put my first working version of a simple rectangular collision engine out here for discussion:

adam [dawt] theoherns [dawt] com/applets/matching_v003/

(apologies for the mangled URL, I'm not yet allowed to post links on the forum)

Eventually I want for these to float around the canvas as though on water, bouncing off of one another and the edges of the screen, with angular momentum etc.

I'm building a game in which each rectangle will actually be text, and you drag/drop matching text boxes on top of one another.

My question is about structure: I'm new to OOP, and I'm trying to implement Control-Model-View architecture, but I really only have a superficial understanding of what that means and how to use it in practice. I would be eternally grateful if some code warrior out there could take a look at my source and let me know how to improve!

Many thanks. Processing rocks!!

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