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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › Replace 2D primitive with a user SVG
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Replace 2D primitive with a user SVG (Read 382 times)
Replace 2D primitive with a user SVG
Mar 19th, 2010, 12:10am
Hi!.. I'm doing some experiments and am looking to import a user-made SVG to replace a standard 2D primitive.. (such as rect / ellipse) .. Is there a general rule I can follow to write (or rewrite) code to replace a 2D rectangle with a more complex SVG/Pshape/etc.. (not always possible, I know! :])

Heres an example below .. Boxfitting by J Tarbell.. Which adjustments to be made to replace the Box with a SVG? ..  


// Box Fitting
// j.tarbell   January, 2004
// Processing 0085 Beta syntax update April, 2005
// Albuquerque, New Mexico
// complexification.net

int num = 0;
int maxnum = 1000;
int dim = 600;

Box[] boxes;

int maxpal = 256;
int numpal = 0;
color[] goodcolor = new color[maxpal];

// MAIN -----------------------------------------------------------

void setup() {
//  size(dim,dim,P3D);

 boxes = new Box[maxnum];
 for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {

void draw() {
 for (int n=0;n<num;n++) {

void makeNewBox() {
 if (num<maxnum) {
   boxes[num] = new Box();

// OBJECTS ------------------------------------------------------

// space filling box
class Box {

 int x;
 int y;
 int d;
 color myc;
 boolean okToDraw;
 boolean chaste = true;

 Box() {
   // random initial conditions
 void selfinit() {
   // position
   okToDraw = false;    
   x = int(random(dim));
   y = int(random(dim));
   d = 0;
   myc = somecolor(1.0*y/dim);

 void draw() {
   if (okToDraw) {
 void expand() {
   // assume expansion is ok
   // look for obstructions around perimeter at width d
   int obstructions = 0;
   for (int j=int(x-d/2-1);j<int(x+d/2);j++) {
     int k=int(y-d/2-1);
     obstructions += checkPixel(j,k);
     obstructions += checkPixel(j,k);
   for (int k=int(y-d/2-1);k<int(y+d/2);k++) {
     int j=int(x-d/2-1);
     obstructions += checkPixel(j,k);
     obstructions += checkPixel(j,k);
   if (obstructions>0) {
     // reset
     if (chaste) {
       chaste = false;
   } else {
     okToDraw = true;

 int checkPixel(int x, int y) {
   color c = get(x, y);
   if (brightness(c)<254) {
     // a lit pixel has been found
     return 1;
   } else {
     return 0;

// COLOR METHODS ---------------------------------------------------

color somecolor(float p) {
 // pick color according to range
 return goodcolor[int(p*numpal)];

void takecolor(String fn) {
 PImage b;
 b = loadImage(fn);

 for (int x=0;x<b.width;x++){
   for (int y=0;y<b.height;y++) {
     color c = get(x,y);
     boolean exists = false;
     for (int n=0;n<numpal;n++) {
       if (c==goodcolor[n]) {
         exists = true;
     if (!exists) {
       // add color to pal
       if (numpal<maxpal) {
         goodcolor[numpal] = c;
       } else {


// j.tarbell   January, 2004
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