YaBB Newbies
Posts: 6
bounce off rectangle
Mar 16th , 2010, 11:16pm
I'm trying to make a ball bounce off a rectangle in a game I'm creating. The rectangle is like an obstacle. I posted a topic earlier today in which I kind of explained the game: it's like billiards or pool but with obstacles. I don't know what I'm doing wrong that's making the ball go crazy. I'll post my code, and you can just jump down to void modeTwo because I think that's where the problem is. I'm posting the whole thing because the problem might be elsewhere: float rectx = 100; //obstacle float recty = 200; float rectWidth = 190; float rectHeight = 10; int directionX = 1; int directionY = -1; int mode = 0; float ballx = 320; //ball xaxis float bally = 380; float cuex = ballx; //cuestick xaxis float cuey = bally; float balld = 15; //ball radius float ballangle = 0; float ballspeedx = 8.0; float ballspeedy = 8.0; float angle; boolean rotation = true; float pocketx = 550; //hole float pockety = 100; float pocketr = 50; int b1x = 210; // Button 1 x-coordinate int b1y = 215; // Button 1 y-coordinate int b1w = 220; // Button 1 width int b1h = 50; // Button 1 height PFont f; PFont f48; void setup() { size(640, 480); smooth(); ellipseMode(RADIUS); f = loadFont("ZebrawoodStd-Fill-28.vlw"); f48 = loadFont("ZebrawoodStd-Fill-48.vlw"); textFont(f); textAlign(CENTER); } void draw() { background(204); strokeCap(ROUND); strokeWeight(2); fill(255); if (mode == 0) { modeZero(); } else if (mode == 1) { modeOne(); } else if (mode == 2) { modeTwo(); } else if (mode == 3) { modeThree(); } else if (mode == 4) { modeFour(); } else if (mode == 5) { modeFive(); } } void mousePressed() { if (mode == 1) { rotation = false; } if (mode == 3) { if (overButton(b1x, b1y, b1w, b1h) == true) { mode = 4; } } } void keyPressed() { if (mode == 0) { mode = 1; } if (mode == 1 && rotation == false) { mode = 2; ballangle = angle - PI; } } void modeZero() { textFont(f48); fill(0); text("Poolio", 320, 70); textFont(f); text("1. move mouse left and right", 320, 140); text("to rotate cuestick", 320, 170); text("2. click mouse to freeze aim", 320, 230); text("3. press the space bar to shoot", 320, 290); fill(#A71111); text("press any key to start playing!", 320, 350); } void modeOne() { pushMatrix(); translate(cuex, cuey); rotate(angle); line(balld/2 + 13, 0, balld/2 + 200, 0);//cuestick popMatrix(); fill(0); ellipse(pocketx, pockety, pocketr, pocketr); //pocket fill(255); ellipse(ballx, bally, balld, balld); //cueball if (rotation) { angle = map(mouseX, 20, 620, 0, PI*3); } fill(0); text("Level 1", 70, 465); rect(rectx, recty, rectWidth, rectHeight); } void modeTwo() { fill(0); ellipse(pocketx, pockety, pocketr, pocketr); //pocket // Draw the ball pushMatrix(); fill(255); translate(ballx, bally); rotate(ballangle); ellipse(0, 0, balld, balld); //ball popMatrix(); // Update position and bounce off walls ballx += cos(ballangle) * ballspeedx; bally += sin(ballangle) * ballspeedy; checkWalls(); obstacle(); if (circleIntersect(ballx, bally, balld, pocketx, pockety, pocketr) == true) { mode = 3; } ballx += ballspeedx * directionX; if (ballx > rectx-balld) { directionX = -directionX; } bally += ballspeedy * directionY; if (bally > recty-balld) { directionY = -directionY; } rect(rectx, recty, rectWidth, rectHeight); ballspeedx *= 0.99; ballspeedy *= 0.99; fill(0); text("Level 1", 70, 465); } void obstacle() { ballx += ballspeedx * directionX; if (ballx > rectx-balld) { directionX = -directionX; } bally += ballspeedy * directionY; if (bally > recty-balld) { directionY = -directionY; } } void checkWalls() { if (ballx > width-balld) { ballx = width-balld; ballspeedx *= -1; } else if (ballx < balld) { ballx = balld; ballspeedx *= -1; } else if (bally > height-balld) { bally = height-balld; ballspeedy *= -1; } else if (bally < balld) { bally = balld; ballspeedy *= -1; } } void modeThree() { fill(0); ellipse(pocketx, pockety, pocketr, pocketr); pushMatrix(); translate(ballx, bally); rotate(ballangle); stroke(0, 0); fill(0, 0); ellipse(0, 0, balld, balld); popMatrix(); if (overButton(b1x, b1y, b1w, b1h) == true) { stroke(0); fill(255); } else { stroke(0); fill(153); } rect(b1x, b1y, b1w, b1h); textAlign(CENTER); fill(0); text("Go to level 2", b1x + b1w/2, b1y + 32); fill(0); text("Level 1", 70, 465); stroke(0, 0); } void modeFour() { stroke(0); fill(0); ellipse(pocketx, pockety, pocketr, pocketr); // Draw the ball pushMatrix(); translate(cuex, cuey); rotate(angle); line(balld/2 + 13, 0, balld/2 + 200, 0); popMatrix(); fill(255); ellipse(ballx, bally, balld, balld); if (rotation) { angle = map(mouseX, 20, 620, 0, PI*3); } } void modeFive() { } boolean overButton(int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (mouseX > x && mouseX < x+w && mouseY > y && mouseY < y+h) { return true; } else { return false; } } boolean circleIntersect(float bx, float by, float br, float px, float py, float pr) { if (dist(bx, by, px, py) < br-10 + pr-10) { return true; } else { return false; } } boolean rectCircle(float bx, float by, float br, float rx, float ry, float rw, float rh) { float circleDistanceX = abs(bx - rx - rw/2); float circleDistanceY = abs(by - ry - rh/2); if (circleDistanceX > (rw/2 + br)) {return false; } if (circleDistanceY > (rh/2 + br)) { return false; } if (circleDistanceX <= rw/2) { return true; } if (circleDistanceY <= rh/2) { return true; } float cornerDistance = pow(circleDistanceX - rw/2, 2) + pow(circleDistanceY - rh/2, 2); return cornerDistance <= pow(br, 2); }