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Storing and Retrieving 3d Coordinates (Read 601 times)
Storing and Retrieving 3d Coordinates
Mar 16th, 2010, 8:32pm
Storing and Retrieving moving Coordinates

     The following code represents a product that would display all of your parallel identities’ that exist and a few of their chosen attributes.  It would cross-reference them with your current attributes and then drawn lines connecting the shared attributes.

Each identity is represented as a solar system, with each attribute represented as one of the white ellipses revolving around the solar systems center.

Ultimately I would like to create a surface or shape from the lines, but first I am trying to understand how I might go about storing and retrieving the x, y, and z coordinates of each attribute.

Is this even possible?

Thanks, Sonder

import processing.opengl.*;
import peasy.*;

PFont font;
float xPos;
float yPos;
//-------------------------------------------------->>Universe Variables
float posX;
float posY;
float deg;
float x2, y2;
int numUniverse = 8;
PeasyCam cam, cam2;

Universe [] parallels = new Universe[numUniverse];
float degree;
float x, y, rot, v;

float[] attX = new float [numUniverse];
float[] attY = new float [numUniverse];
float[] attZ = new float [numUniverse];

float attx, atty, attz;

String[] uni1 = {
 "Aaron", "1985", "24", "architect", "earth", "Aaron6", "Aaron7", "Aaron8", "Aaron9"};

String[] uni2 = {
 "Aaron Norton", "2130", "24", "astronaunt", "Phobos(Mars)", "Aaron6", "Aaron7", "Aaron8", "Aaron9"};
String[] uni3 = {
 "Sondergaard", "1960", "30", "cigarette entrpreneur", "Post Apoc. earth", "Aaron6", "Aaron7", "Aaron8", "Aaron9"};
String[] uni4 = {
 "Sonder Barnes", "1920", "30", "Wyndham-Matson", "Facist Earth", "Aaron6", "Aaron7", "Aaron8", "Aaron9"};
String[] uni5 = {
 "Aaron Eldritch", "2242", "48", "Chew-Z grower", "Prox System", "Aaron6", "Aaron7", "Aaron8", "Aaron9"};
String[] uni6 = {
 "Aaron Deckard", "1985", "36", "Bounty Hunter", "Post Fall-Off earth", "Aaron6", "Aaron7", "Aaron8", "Aaron9"};
String[] uni7 = {
 "Captain Aaron Harris", "2000", "100", "Selene Captain", "Moon Colony", "Aaron6", "Aaron7", "Aaron8", "Aaron9"};
String[] uni8 = {
 "Aaron Bownan", "1945", "56", "Lunar Shuttle Captain", "Discovery One", "Aaron6", "Aaron7", "Aaron8", "Aaron9"};
String[] uni9 = {
 "Aaron", "1985", "24", "architect", "earth", "Aaron6", "Aaron7", "Aaron8", "Aaron9"};
//String[] att9 = {"Aaron", "1985", "24", "architect", "earth", "Aaron6", "Aaron7", "Aaron8", "Aaron9"};  

String[][] alluni = {
 uni1, uni2, uni3, uni4, uni5, uni6, uni7, uni8, uni9};

void setup() {

 size (1200, 800, OPENGL);
 cam = new PeasyCam(this, width/2, height/2, 0, 500);


 degree = 0;

   x = random(-width/3, width/3);
   y = random(-height/3, height/3);
 for (int i = 0; i < numUniverse; i++) {
   deg = random(1,360);

   rot = random(1,360);
   v = random(-.75,.75);
   parallels[i] = new Universe(deg, x, y, rot, v, alluni[i]);
   x = x+ 200;
   y = y + 200;


 font = loadFont("HelveticaNeue-Light-48.vlw");


void draw() {


 translate(width/2, height/2);

 for (int i = 0;  i<numUniverse; i++) {






class Universe {

 int numRings = 8;
 Ring [] identity = new Ring[numRings];
 String[] att;
 float r, a, s, t, p, o;
 float d, xPos, yPos, rotation, vel;
 Universe (float deg, float x, float y, float rot, float v, String[] u){
   vel = v;
   xPos = x;
   yPos = y;
   rotation = rot;
   r = 10;
   a = 0;
   s = 1;
   t = 40;
   att = u;
   for (int i = 0; i < numRings; i++) {
     String info = att[i];

     d = random(-deg, deg);
     identity[i] = new Ring(s, r, a, d, t, info);
     r = r+10;
     s = s+.1;
     t = t-2;



 void universe() {

   float path = 2*(dist(0, 0, xPos, yPos));
   ellipse(0,0, path, path);
   stroke(0,255,255, 25);
   line(0,0, xPos, yPos);
   translate(xPos, yPos);
   for (int i = 0;  i<numRings; i++) {

     identity [i].display();
     //if(i == 1) {


   attx = modelX(0, 0, 0);
   atty = modelY(0, 0, 0);
   attz = modelZ(0, 0, 0);
    rotation = rotation + vel;


class Ring {  

 float speed;
 float radius;
 float angle;
 float degree;
 float trans;
 String data;

 Ring (float s, float r, float a, float d, float t, String i){
   speed = s;
   radius = r;
   angle = a;
   degree = d;
   trans = t;
   data = i;

 void display() {

   x2 = radius*cos(radians(angle));
   y2 = radius*sin(radians(angle));
   //fill(255, 255, 255, 10);
   stroke(255, 255, 255, trans);
   float distance2 = 2*(dist(0, 0, x2, y2));
   ellipse(0, 0, distance2, distance2 );
   //line(x2, y2-5, x2, y2+5);
   //line(x2-5, y2, x2+5, y2);
   line (x2, y2, 0, 0);
   ellipse(x2, y2, 3, 3);
   PFont font;
   text(data, x2-5, y2-5);


   angle = angle + speed;

   //centerX = modelX(0,0,0);


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