Hello All,
Pretty fresh to Processing and so I have what will probably be a simple question.
I have an application that I have built entirely in jquery and it works pretty good considering its in the browser. Basically its a image slide show but using images that are 1920x1080, images consist of lots of triptychs that are placed on a canvas by the user. This designer component works fine in a browser, its the slideshow that could be better.
Having said that, its animation is better than I can get things happening in Processing.
Here is my basic sketch, I'm really just trying to establish if Processing will be a better alternative or whether I should start working on optimisations of jquery animations or go to something like openFrameworks.
So, here is my sketch:
import megamu.shapetween.*;
PImage img;
Tween ani;
void setup() {
size(1920, 1080);
img = loadImage("/path/to/images/29415.jpg");
ani = new Tween(this, 30, Tween.SECONDS, Shaper.LINEAR);
void draw() {
set(int(ani.position() * width), 326, img);
So, basically I want this to move across the screen, which it does, but its very jumpy, much more jumpy that I have it operating in the browser using jquery, so it makes me think that perhaps I'm missing something...
I have also tried doing other things, such as using image instead of set.
Other things I want to do include zooming in on an image, which I also have had working, however again its jumpy.
Thanks in advance.