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Posts: 3
Combining Flob Tracking With Mouse Trails?
Mar 12th , 2010, 2:58am
Hi guys, Im very new to Processing and was just wondering if there is a way to combine the Flob Collide example with a simple mouse trail? The Flob collide allows you to push sprites off the screen using body movement but I was wondering if there was a way for a trail to emit behind the sprites as they leave the screen (like some of the mouse trail examples)? Below are the sperate files Im working with but I cant seem to combine them together? Thanks for your help, Im struggling with the language so far and cant seem to figure it out.flob_calcsimple_collide: import processing.opengl.*; import*; import s373.flob.*; Capture video; Flob flob; int videores=128; int fps = 60; PFont font = createFont("arial",10); Bola bolas[]; boolean showcamera=true; boolean om=true,omset=false; float velmult = 10000.0f; int vtex=0; void setup(){ //bug 882 processing 1.0.1 try {; } catch (quicktime.QTException qte) { qte.printStackTrace(); } size(640,480,OPENGL); frameRate(fps); String[] devices = Capture.list(); println(devices); video = new Capture(this, videores, videores, devices[4], fps); flob = new Flob(this, video, width, height); flob.setMirror(true,false); flob.setThresh(12);//25);//16); flob.setFade(25);//2);//10); flob.setMinNumPixels(10); flob.setImage( vtex ); bolas = new Bola[10]; for(int i=0;i<bolas.length;i++){ bolas[i] = new Bola(); } textFont(font); } void draw(){ if(video.available()) { if(!omset){ if(om) flob.setOm(flob.CONTINUOUS_DIFFERENCE); else flob.setOm(flob.STATIC_DIFFERENCE); omset=true; }; // aqui é que se define o método calc, calcsimple, ou tracksimple // o tracksimple é mais preciso mas mais pesado que o calcsimple // flob.tracksimple( flob.binarize(video) ); flob.calcsimple( flob.binarize(video) ); } image(flob.getSrcImage(), 0, 0, width, height); //report presence graphically fill(255,152,255); rect(0,0,flob.getPresencef()*width,10); fill(255,100); stroke(255,200); //get and use the data // int numblobs = flob.getNumBlobs(); int numtrackedblobs = flob.getNumTrackedBlobs(); text("numblobs> "+numtrackedblobs,5,height-10); fill(255,10); rectMode(CENTER); stroke(127,200); trackedBlob tb; for(int i = 0; i < numtrackedblobs; i++) { tb = flob.getTrackedBlob(i); rect(,, tb.dimx, tb.dimy ); line(,, + tb.velx * velmult , + tb.vely * velmult ); String txt = """ "" "; text(txt,,; } // colisão float cdata[] = new float[5]; for(int i=0;i<bolas.length;i++){ float x = bolas[i].x / (float) width; float y = bolas[i].y / (float) height; cdata = flob.imageblobs.postcollidetrackedblobs(x,y,bolas[i].rad/(float)width); if(cdata[0] > 0) { bolas[i].toca=true; bolas[i].vx +=cdata[1]*width*0.015; bolas[i].vy +=cdata[2]*height*0.015; } else { bolas[i].toca=false; } bolas[i].run(); } if(showcamera){ tint(255,150); image(flob.videoimg,width-videores,height-videores); image(flob.videotexbin,width-2*videores,height-videores); image(flob.videotexmotion,width-3*videores,height-videores); } } void keyPressed(){ if(key==' ') flob.setBackground(video); if(key=='o'){ om^=true; omset=false; } if(key=='i') showcamera^=true; if(key=='v'){ vtex = (vtex + 1) % 4; flob.setVideoTex( vtex ); } }bola: class Bola { float x,y,vx,vy; float g = 0.025, rad= random(5,25); boolean toca=false; Bola(){ init(); } void init(){ vx = random(-1.1,1.1); vy = random(1.5); x = random(width); y = random(-100,-50); } void update(){ // vy+=g; // vx+=g; x+=vx; y+=vy; if(abs(vx)>3) vx*=0.9; if(abs(vy)>3) vy*=0.9; if(x<-rad){ x=-rad; vx = -vx; } if(x>width+rad){ x=width+rad; vx = -vx; } if(y<-100){ y=-100; vy = -vy; } if(y>height-rad){ y=height-rad; vy = -vy; } } void draw(){ if(!toca) fill(0,255,0); else fill(255,0,0); ellipse(x,y,rad*2,rad*2); } void run(){ update(); draw(); } }linedraw: void setup() { size(800, 600); } void draw() { size(800,600); fill(0,1); // use black with alpha 10 rectMode(CORNER); rect(0,0,800,600); // draw some stuff, for example simple mouse trails stroke(255); line(pmouseX,pmouseY,mouseX,mouseY); }