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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpOther Libraries › How can I check if xml file exists
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How can I check if xml file exists? (Read 1483 times)
How can I check if xml file exists?
Mar 4th, 2010, 9:45am
How can I check if xml file exists?

I am fighting with processing to check if xml file exists.
what I need is something like this

if (file.xml exists) 
do something with it

} else {

text("There is no xml document", 22, 40);

please someone help!
Re: How can I check if xml file exists?
Reply #1 - Mar 4th, 2010, 10:12am
File f = new File(dataPath("file.xml"));
if (!f.exists()) {
 println("File does not exist");

dataPath() helps you finding the path of a file located in your sketch's data folder.
Re: How can I check if xml file exists?
Reply #2 - Mar 4th, 2010, 10:19am
That's it! I was going crazy with this code.
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