It is quite simple, the char type in Java is just a number representing a character (or a character symbolized by its Unicode codepoint).
And Processing is able to show a single character (actually it decomposes strings into chars, so that's natural for it).
As you guessed, I am interested by the topic. So I started my own sketch. If you just want a final result, just wait a bit. If you want to develop your own, I can refrain from showing my sketch (only in early stages, anyway) if you want.
I just made a little proof-of-concept sketch, to test font usage (discovered I had to use a trick with createFont to avoid OutOfMemory error) and char display.
[EDIT: Added random selection of kana, pos, colors, etc.]
[EDIT 2: Added more fonts, discarding them if not found on system]
Code:boolean bDebug = false;
String[] fonts =
"Arial Unicode MS", "MS Gothic", "MS Mincho",
"Batang", "Datum", "Gulim",
"MingLiU", "SimHei", "SimSun"
PFont[] jFonts = new PFont[fonts.length];
char character;
int posX, posY;
void setup()
size(700, 700);
frameRate(1); // 1 frame per second... OK for a slideshow!
// Define a dummy charset (1 char to use less memory)
// because Processing really creates the bitmap font
// even if it won't use it in this mode...
// So if we don't do that, we will get an out of memory error!
char[] dummy = new char[1]; dummy[0] = ' ';
// Create fonts having Japanese chars
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < fonts.length; i++)
jFonts[count] = createFont(fonts[i], 128, true, dummy);
if (jFonts[count].getFont().canDisplay(demoChars[0]))
// This font is on the system and supports CJK
println("Using " + fonts[i]);
println(fonts[i] + " not found.");
// Discard unsupported fonts
jFonts = (PFont[]) subset(jFonts, 0, count);
println(count + " fonts with CJK support found on this system.");
char[] demoChars =
// The 10 most frequently used kanji (according to kanjidic)
0x65E5, 0x4E00, 0x4EBA, 0x56FD, 0x4F1A, 0x5E74, 0x5927, 0x5341, 0x4E8C, 0x672C,
// Semi-randomly chosen chars
0x98DF, '\u9762', 0x96FB, 38588
void draw()
if (frameCount % 2 == 1)
float r = random(3);
if (r < 1)
// Hiragana
character = (char) (0x3041 + random(0x54));
else if (r < 2)
// Katakana
character = (char) (0x30A1 + random(0x57));
character = demoChars[int(random(demoChars.length))];
posX = int(5 + random(width - 140));
posY = int(130 + random(height - 150));
fill(128 + int(random(128)), 128 + int(random(128)), 128 + int(random(128)));
text(character, posX, posY);
if (bDebug)
// Testing limits
text(character, 5, 130);
text(character, 5, 680);
text(character, 565, 130);
text(character, 565, 680);