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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › Problems with BeatDetect (ess sound library)
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Problems with BeatDetect (ess sound library) (Read 1114 times)
Problems with BeatDetect (ess sound library)
Feb 16th, 2010, 5:05pm
hi to all guys :-D
I'm writing an application for an university exam in which i've to represent the three points of the first guglielmo marconi's message. Each point (class dot) increase your diameter when a sound isOnset (my idea is that each different dot generate a wave (class onda) when minim detect a different sound frequency, hi, mid e low).
At begin of application i've initialized a boolean variable named "beatLow" as false. In draw() function this variable begin true when "isOnset" method begin true too:
if (beat.isOnset()) beatLow = true; 

Then with a conditional structure I call a .start method of the "Onda" class, one for each Dot.

if (beatLow = true) {
   onde2[ondattiva2].start(500, centerpoint, 255);
   onde1[ondattiva1].start(180, centerpoint, 255);
   onde3[ondattiva3].start(820, centerpoint, 255);
   if (ondattiva2 >= numOnde2) {
     ondattiva2 = 0;
   if (ondattiva1 >= numOnde1) {
     ondattiva1 = 0;
   if (ondattiva3 >= numOnde3) {
     ondattiva3 = 0;

The problem now is that the beatLow has becamed true and I don't know how make it false after that "one Onda" is started.  :-?

Can Anyone of you give me an hand with this code? I need that every time that beatDetect detect a frequency, an Onda start from the Dot.
I attach maincode and the two classes

Thanks very much everyone for his attention  :)
Andrea P.



import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.analysis.*;

Dot dot;
Onda[] onde1;   // creazione dell'array dei cerchi concentrici 1
Onda[] onde2;   // creazione dell'array dei cerchi concentrici 2
Onda[] onde3;   // creazione dell'array dei cerchi concentrici 3
Minim minim;
AudioInput in;
AudioPlayer song;
BeatDetect beat;
int numOnde1 = 100;
int numOnde2 = 80;
int numOnde3 = 10;
int ondattiva1 = 0;
int ondattiva2 = 0;
int ondattiva3 = 0;
int dc = 50;

color co;
int centerpoint;

boolean record = false;
boolean beatMid = false;
boolean beatHigh = false;
boolean beatLow = false;

float one, two, three;

void setup() {
 size(1000, 450);
 centerpoint = height/2;
 minim = new Minim(this);
 in = minim.getLineIn(Minim.STEREO, 512);
 song = minim.loadFile("computerlove.mp3", 2048);
 beat = new BeatDetect();
 onde2 = new Onda[numOnde2];   // crea e inizializza l'array dei cerchi 2
 onde1 = new Onda[numOnde1];   // crea e inizializza l'array dei cerchi 1
 onde3 = new Onda[numOnde3];   // crea e inizializza l'array dei cerchi 3
 for (int i=0; i<numOnde2; i++) {
   onde2[i] = new Onda();   // costruisce i cerchi 2
 for (int g=0; g<numOnde1; g++) {
   onde1[g] = new Onda();   // costruisce i cerchi 1
 for (int f=0; f<numOnde3; f++) {
   onde3[f] = new Onda();   // costruisce i cerchi 3

void draw() {
 if (beat.isOnset()) beatLow = true;
 dot = new Dot(500,centerpoint,1);   // i tre
 dot = new Dot(180,centerpoint,0.95);   // costruisce
 dot = new Dot(820,centerpoint,1);   // punti
 for (int i=0; i<numOnde2; i++) {
 for (int z=0; z<numOnde1; z++) {
 for (int w=0; w<numOnde3; w++) {
 if(record) {
   record = false;
 if (beatLow = true) {
   onde2[ondattiva2].start(500, centerpoint, 255);
   onde1[ondattiva1].start(180, centerpoint, 255);
   onde3[ondattiva3].start(820, centerpoint, 255);
   if (ondattiva2 >= numOnde2) {
     ondattiva2 = 0;
   if (ondattiva1 >= numOnde1) {
     ondattiva1 = 0;
   if (ondattiva3 >= numOnde3) {
     ondattiva3 = 0;

void stop() {



class Dot {
 Dot (int xc, int yc, float moltiplic) {
   float a = map(dc, 20, 80, 60, 255);
   fill(255, 255, 255);
   if (beat.isOnset()) dc = 80;
   dc *= moltiplic;
   if ( dc < 20 ) dc = 20;



class Onda {
 float xo, yo, n;   // ascissa e ordinata del centro del cerchio
 float diametronda;   // diametro del cerchio
 boolean on = false;
 void start(float xpos, float ypos, color colore) {
   xo = xpos;
   yo = ypos;
   on = true;
   co = colore;
   diametronda = 55;
 void grow() {
   if (on == true) {
     diametronda += 2;
     if (diametronda > height) {
       on = false;
 void display() {
   if (on == true) {
Re: Problems with BeatDetect (ess sound library)
Reply #1 - Feb 16th, 2010, 5:22pm
i have two questions. why dont you use beat.isOnset in the first place instead of beatLow... ?

like :
if (beat.isOnset()) {
   onde2[ondattiva2].start(500, centerpoint, 255);

and the other quetsion is, what is wrong with just setting it back to false, when done?
Re: Problems with BeatDetect (ess sound library)
Reply #2 - Feb 16th, 2010, 7:52pm
try deleting
 if (beat.isOnset()) beatLow = true;  

and changing Code:
 if (beatLow = true) { 

 if (beat.isOnset()) { 

that way, if beat.isOnset, it will grow; if it is not, it will just skip the Loop.
Re: Problems with BeatDetect (ess sound library)
Reply #3 - Feb 16th, 2010, 7:54pm
that was one of my questions... i was just not sure why he did it that way
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