thanks for your replies.
@BenHem: the idea with vlw-conversion doesn't work because it is only possible to save them with a maximum of 255pt. an i need letters of different types with about 400-500pt. when i enlarge them in the program with the vlw at 255pt, the quality is quite bad. but it is is possible with the following code:
Code: PFont font = createFont(font, size, char[]);
now i take a medium size, that it doesn't need too long to load, because the larger the font, the larger to loading process.
Code: textFont(fonts, 500);
now i set the font and it works, with good quality.
the problem is now to pack the whole application for transport. i have to put all the ttfs in the data folder, like it is said here on processing.org.
"Another option for type, is to use createFont() with a TrueType font (some OpenType fonts also work). Any font that shows up in PFont.list() should work, or if not, adding a .ttf file to the data directory and calling createFont("fontname.ttf") will also work."
but as i told you, processing doesn't find my ttfs in the data folder.
thanks for your answers...