YaBB Newbies
Posts: 9
Multiple Boxes and shapes
Feb 13th , 2010, 8:06pm
hello i have this code which you will se that there is a grid showing some perspective lines i want to place in the area of this grid multiple boxes. Basically i would like to have different sizes of boxes placed randomnly within the grid or in a sequence. but first i d like to get them i have tried doing that using the function below: fill(230); // for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){ translate(450,-i*10,70); box(10,20,20); } But unfortunately tha boxes appear in sequence outside the grid. i an new to this so i took existing codes from libraries as you wil be able to see and then modified them import processing.opengl.*; // unlekkerLib - Marius Watz, // // Example using a 2-dimensional array of 3D vectors to calculate // a mesh. import unlekker.util.*; import unlekker.geom.*; import*; // 2-dimensional array of 3D vector objects to contain our mesh Vec3 mesh[][]; // num will decide the mesh dimensions int num; // use the CTRL key for interface boolean ctrlDown=false; // translation the Z direction float xUnit,yUnit, zTrans; float rotX,rotY,amplitude; float tx,ty,tz; void setup() { size(800,600,OPENGL); // allocate space for the mesh and fill it with empty vectors num=100; mesh=new Vec3[num][num]; meshPlane(); xUnit=width/(float)num; yUnit=height/(float)num; rotX=30; rotY=45; amplitude=100; zTrans=-width/2; // add a MouseWheelListener so we can use the mouse wheel // to zoom with frame.addMouseWheelListener(new MouseWheelInput()); } void draw() { background(0); lights(); // translate to center of screen and use mouse movement // to rotate the scene translate(width/2,height/2,zTrans); rotateX(rotX); rotateY(rotY); stroke(255); fill(100,23,65, 44); drawMesh(); //FOR PERSPECTIVE LINES for(int i = 0; i < 25; i++){ // a rectangleDraw line(-500, -50, -i*20, 500, -50, -i*20); line( 500, -50, -i*20, 500, 50, -i*20); line( 500, 50, -i*20, -500, 50, -i*20); line(-500, 50, -i*20, -500, -50, -i*20); // line(-500, -250, (i*20)+25, 500, -250, (i*20)+25); // line( 500, -250, (i*20)+25, 500, 250, (i*20)+25); // line( 500, 250, (i*20)+25, -500, 250, (i*20)+25); // line(-500, 250, (i*20)+25, -500, -250, (i*20)+25); // // } fill(230); // for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){ translate(450,-i*10,70); box(10,20,20); } } void keyPressed() { if(key==CODED) { // check to see if CTRL is pressed if(keyEvent.isControlDown()) { // do zoom in the Z axis if(keyCode==UP) tz=tz+2; if(keyCode==DOWN) tz=tz-2; } // check to see if CTRL is pressed else if(keyEvent.isShiftDown()) { // do translations in X and Y axis if(keyCode==UP) ty=ty-2; if(keyCode==DOWN) ty=ty+2; if(keyCode==RIGHT) tx=tx+2; if(keyCode==LEFT) tx=tx-2; } else { // do rotations around X and Y axis if(keyCode==UP) rotX=rotX+radians(2); if(keyCode==DOWN) rotX=rotX-radians(2); if(keyCode==RIGHT) rotY=rotY+radians(2); if(keyCode==LEFT) rotY=rotY-radians(2); } } } // utility class to handle mouse wheel events class MouseWheelInput implements MouseWheelListener{ void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent e) { int step=e.getWheelRotation(); zTrans=zTrans+step*50; } } void mouseDragged() { // if CTRL key is down, then adjust amplitude if(ctrlDown) { amplitude=((float)mouseY/(float)height)*height; println("amplitude "+amplitude); } // else rotate the viewport else { rotX=((float)mouseX/(float)width)*2*PI; rotY=((float)mouseY/(float)height)*2*PI; } // } // drawMesh is a custom method that takes care of drawing the // mesh using beginShape() / endShape() void drawMesh() { for(int i=0; i<num-1; i++) { beginShape(QUAD_STRIP); for(int j=0; j<num; j++) { vertex(mesh[j][i].x,mesh[j][i].y * amplitude ,mesh[j][i].z); vertex(mesh[j][i+1].x,mesh[j][i+1].y * amplitude, mesh[j][i+1].z); } endShape(); } } // sets the mesh to an even grid plane void meshPlane() { for(int i=0; i<num; i++) for(int j=0; j<num; j++) mesh[i][j]=new Vec3((i-num/2)*10,0,(j-num/2)*10); } // sets the mesh data to a Perlin noisefield void meshNoise() { float x,y,a,aD,b,bD,val; // initialize parameters for the noise field. // "a" is our position in the X direction of the noise. // "b" is our position in the X direction of the noise. // "aD" and "bD" are used to traverse the noise field. a=random(1000); b=random(1000); aD=1.0/random(50,150); bD=1.0/random(50,150); // set amplitude and noiseDetail for noise field noiseDetail((int)random(4,8),random(0.4,0.9)); for(int i=0; i<num; i++) for(int j=0; j<num; j++) { // calculate height as a function of 2D noise val=(noise(a+aD*(float)i,b+bD*(float)j)-0.5)*2; x=((float)i-num/2)*xUnit;; y=((float)j-num/2)*yUnit; mesh[i][j].set(x,val,y); } } i would also like to have those lines on top going to the other end og the grid but i cannot figure out the calculation. if anyone can help it ll be fantastic thanks!