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Mazegame, enemys, different controls, pls help (Read 504 times)
Mazegame, enemys, different controls, pls help
Feb 10th, 2010, 6:13am
i am programming a simple mazegame at the moment and nearly got it.
now i need a little help, i already got 1 enemy walking randomly threw the labyrinth, but i want to have 3 with different starting positions.
beyond that i programmed 1 version with key control and one with sudden-motion-sensor control.
so i want to get it into one, switching from key control to suddenmotion with a key, for example i press s than suddenmotion is activated and keys  are off and i press k so keys are on again and suddenmotion is of,
i think i could do it with boolean but i am not sure how.

First the enemy thin :
Here the storylines, i have to lvls., i need to put in 2 more enemys in storyline 2 and 5. :

void draw() {
image(menu, 0, 0);
 if (keyCode =='1') {
     if (keyCode =='2') {
 // background(0);
 image(level, 0, 0);
 fill(255, 0, 0);
    rectangleX += (x-rectangleX) * 0.2;
 rectangleY += (y-rectangleY) * 0.2;
 rect(rectangleX, rectangleY, 10, 10);

 if(dist(x, y, posxe, posye)< 10){ //hitdetection
  x = 50;
 y = 750;

image(victory, 0, 0);
 if (keyCode == '8') {
   x = 50;
 y = 750;

image(end, 0, 0);
if(keyCode == '9'){

image(level2, 0, 0);
fill(255, 0, 0);
   rectangleX += (x-rectangleX) * 0.1;
 rectangleY += (y-rectangleY) * 0.1;
 rect(rectangleX, rectangleY, 10, 10);

 if(dist(x, y, posxe, posye)< 10){ // hitdetection
  x = 50;
 y = 750;



::::: This is the enemy function :::::

void enemy(){

   if (ye==-4) {

     geschwindigkeit = geschwindigkeit * -1;


   if (ye==+4) {

     geschwindigkeit = geschwindigkeit * -1;

PImage levelCheck = new PImage();
 if(storyline == 2) {
   levelCheck = level;
 } else if(storyline == 5) {
   levelCheck = level2;
   color hoche = levelCheck.get (posxe, posye-1*speede);
   color runtere = levelCheck.get (posxe, posye +1*speede);
   color rechtse = levelCheck.get (posxe+1*speede, posye);
   color linkse = levelCheck.get (posxe-1*speede, posye);
   //println("hoch: " + hoche +"runter: " + runtere +"links: " + linkse +"rechts: " + rechtse );

   if( hoche>=-2.0 && richtung==1){       //Bewegung nur wenn Ziel weiße farbe ist (-10 ist mit toleranz -1 würde eigtl auch reichen aber sicher ist sicher
     posye-=1 *speede;    

   else if(runtere>=-2.0&& richtung==2){
     posye+=1 *speede;

   else if (linkse>=-2.0 && richtung==3){
     posxe-=1 *speede;

   else if (rechtse>=-2.0 && richtung==4){
     posxe+=1 *speede;

   else {
     re = random(1,4);
     richtung = round(re);

    //image(schirm, x-2400, y-1600);


now the control problem :

this is for key control :

void keyPressed() {
 PImage levelCheck = new PImage();
 if(storyline == 2) {
   levelCheck = level;
 } else if(storyline == 5) {
   levelCheck = level2;
 color hoch = levelCheck.get (x, y-1*speed);
 color runter = levelCheck.get (x, y +1*speed);
 color rechts = levelCheck.get (x+1*speed, y);
 color links = levelCheck.get (x-1*speed, y);//jeweils um zu sehen ob der nächste Schritt ins weiße geht oder nicht
 color pos = levelCheck.get (x,y);
 // println("rechts"+round(rechts));
 //  println("hoch"+round(hoch));

 if ( links >=-2.0 && keyCode == LEFT) {

 if ( rechts >=-2.0 && keyCode == RIGHT) {
     if ( hoch >=-2.0 && keyCode == UP) {
     if ( runter >=-2.0 && keyCode == DOWN) {

if(x> 1100 && y < 80){

this is suddenmotion :
its in the storyline :

   // background(0);
   //int[] vals = Unimotion.getSMSArray();
   speedx = int(-1 * (Unimotion.getSMSY() / 270.0) * 10);
   speedy = int(Unimotion.getSMSX() / 270.0 * 10);
   println(speedx + " " + speedy);

pls help, i can post the whole code if its more helpful, but at the moment i think its better to get it this way because the code is quite long jet Smiley

Re: Mazegame, enemys, different controls, pls help
Reply #1 - Feb 10th, 2010, 8:14am
Post the whole code as it appears in your processing window.
That way we can copy and paste and run it easily on our own machines.
Re: Mazegame, enemys, different controls, pls help
Reply #2 - Feb 10th, 2010, 8:58am
ok :

KeyControl :

int x;
int y;
float rectangleX;
float rectangleY;
int s;
int half_size;
int speed;
int storyline=1;

PImage level;
PImage level2;
PImage schirm;
PImage victory;
PImage end;
PImage menu;


 float xe=0;

 float ye=0;
 float yye=0;

 int posxe=322, posye=120;      

 int speede=2;
 int richtung =1;

 float re;

 float geschwindigkeit = -1;
 float geschwindigkeit2 = 1;

boolean[][] collisionMap;

void setup() {
 size(1200, 800);
   schirm = loadImage ("schirm.png");

 x = 50;
 y = 750;
   rectangleX = 50;
 rectangleY = 750;

 s = 10;
 half_size = s / 2;
 speed = 12;
 menu = loadImage("Menu.gif");
 level = loadImage("level.gif");
   level2 = loadImage("level2.gif");
   victory = loadImage("endv.gif");
       end = loadImage("end.gif");
 PImage colMapImage = loadImage("collisionMap.gif");
 collisionMap = new boolean[colMapImage.width][colMapImage.height];
 color black = color(0);
 color white = color(255);

 for (int i = 0; i < colMapImage.width; i++) {
   for (int j = 0; j < colMapImage.height; j++) {
     color c = colMapImage.get(i, j);
     if (c == black) {
       collisionMap[i][j] = false;

     else if (c == white) {
       collisionMap[i][j] = true;
     else {
       println("Whoops! We shouldn't have colors other than black and white in our collision map!");


void draw() {
image(menu, 0, 0);
 if (keyCode =='1') {
     if (keyCode =='2') {
 // background(0);
 image(level, 0, 0);
 fill(255, 0, 0);
    rectangleX += (x-rectangleX) * 0.2;
 rectangleY += (y-rectangleY) * 0.2;
 rect(rectangleX, rectangleY, 10, 10);

 if(dist(x, y, posxe, posye)< 10){ //hitdetection
  x = 50;
 y = 750;

image(victory, 0, 0);
 if (keyCode == '8') {
   x = 50;
 y = 750;

image(end, 0, 0);
if(keyCode == '9'){

image(level2, 0, 0);
fill(255, 0, 0);
   rectangleX += (x-rectangleX) * 0.1;
 rectangleY += (y-rectangleY) * 0.1;
 rect(rectangleX, rectangleY, 10, 10);

 if(dist(x, y, posxe, posye)< 10){ // hitdetection
  x = 50;
 y = 750;



void keyPressed() {
 PImage levelCheck = new PImage();
 if(storyline == 2) {
   levelCheck = level;
 } else if(storyline == 5) {
   levelCheck = level2;
 color hoch = levelCheck.get (x, y-1*speed);
 color runter = levelCheck.get (x, y +1*speed);
 color rechts = levelCheck.get (x+1*speed, y);
 color links = levelCheck.get (x-1*speed, y);//jeweils um zu sehen ob der nächste Schritt ins weiße geht oder nicht
 color pos = levelCheck.get (x,y);
 // println("rechts"+round(rechts));
 //  println("hoch"+round(hoch));

 if ( links >=-2.0 && keyCode == LEFT) {

 if ( rechts >=-2.0 && keyCode == RIGHT) {
     if ( hoch >=-2.0 && keyCode == UP) {
     if ( runter >=-2.0 && keyCode == DOWN) {

if(x> 1100 && y < 80){

void enemy(){

   if (ye==-4) {

     geschwindigkeit = geschwindigkeit * -1;


   if (ye==+4) {

     geschwindigkeit = geschwindigkeit * -1;

PImage levelCheck = new PImage();
 if(storyline == 2) {
   levelCheck = level;
 } else if(storyline == 5) {
   levelCheck = level2;
   color hoche = levelCheck.get (posxe, posye-1*speede);
   color runtere = levelCheck.get (posxe, posye +1*speede);
   color rechtse = levelCheck.get (posxe+1*speede, posye);
   color linkse = levelCheck.get (posxe-1*speede, posye);
   //println("hoch: " + hoche +"runter: " + runtere +"links: " + linkse +"rechts: " + rechtse );

   if( hoche>=-2.0 && richtung==1){       //Bewegung nur wenn Ziel weiße farbe ist (-10 ist mit toleranz -1 würde eigtl auch reichen aber sicher ist sicher
     posye-=1 *speede;    

   else if(runtere>=-2.0&& richtung==2){
     posye+=1 *speede;

   else if (linkse>=-2.0 && richtung==3){
     posxe-=1 *speede;

   else if (rechtse>=-2.0 && richtung==4){
     posxe+=1 *speede;

   else {
     re = random(1,4);
     richtung = round(re);

    image(schirm, x-2400, y-1600);

Re: Mazegame, enemys, different controls, pls help
Reply #3 - Feb 10th, 2010, 9:01am
suddenmotion control

int x;
int y;
//float rectangleX;
//float rectangleY;
int s;
int half_size;
int speed;
int speedx;
int speedy;
int storyline=1;

PImage level;
PImage schirm;
PImage victory;
PImage end;
import sms.*;

float xe=0;

float ye=0;
float yye=0;

int posxe=322, posye=120;      

int speede=2;
int richtung =1;  // Diameter of rect

float re;

float geschwindigkeit = -1;
float geschwindigkeit2 = 1;

boolean[][] collisionMap;

void setup() {

 size(1200, 800);
 schirm = loadImage ("schirm.png");

 x = 50;
 y = 750;

// rectangleX = 50;
// rectangleY = 750;

 s = 10;
 half_size = s / 2;
 speed = 12;
 speedx = 0;
 speedy = 0;

 level = loadImage("level.gif");
 victory = loadImage("endv.gif");
 end = loadImage("end.gif");
 PImage colMapImage = loadImage("collisionMap.gif");
 collisionMap = new boolean[colMapImage.width][colMapImage.height];

 color black = color(0);
 color white = color(255);

 for (int i = 0; i < colMapImage.width; i++) {
   for (int j = 0; j < colMapImage.height; j++) {

     color c = colMapImage.get(i, j);
     if (c == black) {
       collisionMap[i][j] = false;

     else if (c == white) {
       collisionMap[i][j] = true;
     else {
       println("Whoops! We shouldn't have colors other than black and white in our collision map!");


void draw() {
   //image(victory, 0, 0);
   if (keyCode =='2') {
   // background(0);
   //int[] vals = Unimotion.getSMSArray();
   speedx = int(-1 * (Unimotion.getSMSY() / 270.0) * 10);
   speedy = int(Unimotion.getSMSX() / 270.0 * 10);
   println(speedx + " " + speedy);

   image(level, 0, 0);

   color vertikal = level.get (x, y-1*speedy);
   // color runter = level.get (x, y +1*speedy);
   color seitlich = level.get (x-1*speedx, y);
   // color links = level.get (x-1*speedx, y);//jeweils um zu sehen ob der nächste Schritt ins weiße geht oder nicht
   color pos = level.get (x,y);
fill(0, 0, 255);
rect(x+1*speedx, y, 10, 10);

   if ( seitlich >=-2.0) {
 if ( rechts >=-2.0) {
   if ( vertikal >=-2.0) {
   /*if ( runter >=-2.0) {

   //x = x+ vals[0];
   fill(255, 0, 0);

   //rectangleX += (x-rectangleX) * 0.2;
   //rectangleY += (y-rectangleY) * 0.2;

   rect(x, y, 10, 10);

   if(dist(x, y, posxe, posye)< 10){ // berührung gegner
     x = 50;
     y = 750;
   image(victory, 0, 0);
   if (keyCode == '1') {
     x = 50;
     y = 750;


   image(end, 0, 0);
   if(keyCode == '1'){

void enemy(){

 if (ye==-4) {

   geschwindigkeit = geschwindigkeit * -1;


 if (ye==+4) {

   geschwindigkeit = geschwindigkeit * -1;


 color hoche = level.get (posxe, posye-1*speede);
 color runtere = level.get (posxe, posye +1*speede);
 color rechtse = level.get (posxe+1*speede, posye);
 color linkse = level.get (posxe-1*speede, posye);
 //println("hoch: " + hoche +"runter: " + runtere +"links: " + linkse +"rechts: " + rechtse );

 if( hoche>=-2.0 && richtung==1){       //Bewegung nur wenn Ziel weiße farbe ist (-10 ist mit toleranz -1 würde eigtl auch reichen aber sicher ist sicher
   posye-=1 *speede;    

 else if(runtere>=-2.0&& richtung==2){
   posye+=1 *speede;

 else if (linkse>=-2.0 && richtung==3){
   posxe-=1 *speede;

 else if (rechtse>=-2.0 && richtung==4){
   posxe+=1 *speede;

 else {
   re = random(1,4);
   richtung = round(re);


  image(schirm, x-2400, y-1600);


As i said i want suddenmotion and keycontrol in one program, and i want to have several enemys starting at different positions, thats all.

level and level 2 are black and white maze images where you can go on white color, and cant on black. schirm is a big black screen with a hole at the heros position, so that the player sees just a part of the maze.
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