Voxopolis, a three-dimensional city based on John Horton Conway’s Game of Life
Like its precedent, Voxopolis begins with a set of conditions and variables that, when implemented, require no further human input for its subsequent generations. Each new generation is based on its predecessor.
What is different now is that it is three dimensional plus it happens at multiple levels at the same time. The voxels inside one building change their state according to neighbour-checking rules but the plots containing the buildings do it as well at an urban scale with different variables like building type, height, occupancy etc.
But the really interesting point, where the structure of the city is getting complex, is that these various scalar layers interact with each other. The voxels influence the buildings, which in turn influence the urban structure and vice versa. The whole city is a complex relational network operating at different scales, from the large city scale down to the voxel scale.
Everything follows it's own rules but is also interconnected with the rest of the city and therefore informs and influences everything else as well.
As the G-City Project and the Attractive City project this was done as research project at the ETH in Zurich, at the chair of Computer Aided Architectural Design.
check out our movie as well on youtube!
as I can't post links yet simply go on youtube and look for voxopolis.
It's really nice video

Hope you like it!