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IndexDiscussionExhibition › Voxopolis - 3D city engine based on Conway's GoL
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Voxopolis - 3D city engine based on Conway's GoL (Read 3825 times)
Voxopolis - 3D city engine based on Conway's GoL
Feb 8th, 2010, 12:50pm
Voxopolis, a three-dimensional city based on John Horton Conway’s Game of Life
Like its precedent, Voxopolis begins with a set of conditions and variables that, when implemented, require no further human input for its subsequent generations. Each new generation is based on its predecessor.
What is different now is that it is three dimensional plus it happens at multiple levels at the same time. The voxels inside one building change their state according to neighbour-checking rules but the plots containing the buildings do it as well at an urban scale with different variables like building type, height, occupancy etc.
But the really interesting point, where the structure of the city is getting complex, is that these various scalar layers interact with each other. The voxels influence the buildings, which in turn influence the urban structure and vice versa. The whole city is a complex relational network operating at different scales, from the large city scale down to the voxel scale.
Everything follows it's own rules but is also interconnected with the rest of the city and therefore informs and influences everything else as well.
As the G-City Project and the Attractive City project this was done as research project at the ETH in Zurich, at the chair of Computer Aided Architectural Design.
check out our movie as well on youtube!
as I can't post links yet simply go on youtube and look for voxopolis.
It's really nice video Smiley

Hope you like it!

Re: Voxopolis - 3D city engine based on Conway's GoL
Reply #1 - Feb 8th, 2010, 12:53pm

Re: Voxopolis - 3D city engine based on Conway's GoL
Reply #2 - Feb 8th, 2010, 4:59pm
That is pretty cool. Is the 3D output directly from Processing? Were the flyovers scripted in advance, or controlled interactively?

Re: Voxopolis - 3D city engine based on Conway's GoL
Reply #3 - Feb 9th, 2010, 3:11am
It's really nice!
Re: Voxopolis - 3D city engine based on Conway's GoL
Reply #4 - Feb 9th, 2010, 11:37am
Why don't you take an online applet Is it real time living

I don't know if you implement the real conway's GoL but i've implemented one with a 5*5 grid and with the rigth parameters the result is so impressive.

I've make a post here.
Try the "1" init key to see what i speaking about.

It maybe be give you an idea for adding other rules for your voxopolis living town.
Re: Voxopolis - 3D city engine based on Conway's GoL
Reply #5 - Feb 9th, 2010, 12:10pm
subpixel wrote on Feb 8th, 2010, 4:59pm:
That is pretty cool. Is the 3D output directly from Processing Were the flyovers scripted in advance, or controlled interactively


Yes, the 3D output is directyl from Processing. And the flyovers have not been scripted in adavanced. There is recordCam function and when you see the city from above you click points for the path and if you want to specify a traget as well. The Path between the points and the view direction to the target are calculated automatically and the cam follows the path...
Re: Voxopolis - 3D city engine based on Conway's GoL
Reply #6 - Feb 9th, 2010, 12:15pm
yelele_eu wrote on Feb 9th, 2010, 11:37am:
Why don't you take an online applet Is it real time living

I don't know if you implement the real conway's GoL but i've implemented one with a 5*5 grid and with the rigth parameters the result is so impressive.

It maybe be give you an idea for adding other rules for your voxopolis living town.

So the rules are not directly the GoL rules, they are adpated. For example for the building type as there are three different building types the rules have to be more complex already. You can specify the ideal neghbourhood of each building type. When a building gets built the neighbours are checked and according to these the chances for each building type ist calculated. But you can change these values as well when the programm is running via an interface.
Can you tell me how to make an online applet out of it
Re: Voxopolis - 3D city engine based on Conway's GoL
Reply #7 - Feb 9th, 2010, 1:40pm
In the file menu of processing you have an "Export" button that generate a folder with a file called index.html
You'll have to modify the width and height parameter twice in this text file to specify your own ones (default is 100 pixels).

It's done.

The second step is to put this folder online (a friend with space left, free hosting service,... etc).

(have you take a look on my sketchs ? I don't read any comment there)
Re: Voxopolis - 3D city engine based on Conway's GoL
Reply #8 - Feb 9th, 2010, 9:00pm
dominikZ wrote on Feb 9th, 2010, 12:10pm:
There is recordCam function and when you see the city from above you click points for the path and if you want to specify a traget as well. The Path between the points and the view direction to the target are calculated automatically and the cam follows the path...

What an excellent feature! Did you come up with that yourselves If not, do you have a link for a discussion about it / implementation

If you want to release your code (and I'm not suggesting that you do, or if you do, perhaps not so soon), you can post non-OpenGL sketches at http://openprocessing.org
Re: Voxopolis - 3D city engine based on Conway's GoL
Reply #9 - Feb 9th, 2010, 11:12pm
Yep, we came up with that idea ourselves more or less. An assistant of our chair came up with the general idea and then we simply scripted it....
I have absolutely no problems releasing my code. Only problem is that it is not really clean at the moment. We stopped that module at our chair and started the next one so there was never time to really clean it up and make a nice clean class out of it or whatsoever.
If you want to I can share the parts of the code of course and maybe there is somebody out there who wants to develop it a little bit further...
Re: Voxopolis - 3D city engine based on Conway's GoL
Reply #10 - Feb 9th, 2010, 11:19pm
Hy yelele_eu,

thanks for the advice but I actually know how to export and upload etc.
Just I don't know how to implement the script into a webpage but I will try to get it running the next days if there is time. There is the additional problem that next to actual screen there are as well two control panels which should be displayed next to the screen as well...

I've looked at your project, sure. Looks really nice! And this is running with the original rules of GoL?
Re: Voxopolis - 3D city engine based on Conway's GoL
Reply #11 - Feb 10th, 2010, 1:37pm
Sorry for the low level advice but i don't know you are an html expert too <|;-)

For my implementation of the Conway's Game of Life it's quite similar : i've just extend the test grid to 5*5 one. With certain parameters it produce a really living result ("1" init key in the applet)

(=> more info in my post)
Re: Voxopolis - 3D city engine based on Conway's GoL
Reply #12 - Feb 11th, 2010, 3:35pm
I've been playing with some variations on Conway's GoL to simulate population growth/expansion on an urban environment. I think this engine works great on modelling buildings and their growth, but the videos on youtube don't make it clear about the dynamics controlling the appearance of new "neighborhoods". Is it also based on a variation of GoL? Thanks in advance!
Re: Voxopolis - 3D city engine based on Conway's GoL
Reply #13 - Feb 15th, 2010, 1:32am
I like it! awesome Cheesy
Re: Voxopolis - 3D city engine based on Conway's GoL
Reply #14 - Feb 15th, 2010, 2:15pm
Very impressive and inspiring. Smiley
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