Hi, I'm totally new to Processing and full of enthusiasm.

But before I get started with some of my project ideas, I wanted to know how "fast" processing can actually get? I know, that I might be able to find the answer somewhere within the forum already, but a quick search didn't turn anything up, so please forgive me asking.
In an "ideal world", how often is the draw() function repeated? Say, if I only place one dot within the function, so that it's execution is not taking long, how many dots per second would I be able to get? (Of course this is not an exact question, as it will depend on CPU etc. But I want an estimate only.)
If I put something more complex into the draw() routine, say 10000 "bots" doing something which involves more calculations, will this reduce the amount of draw() calls per second, or would it lead to a crash? Can somebody give me some ideas of the limits/possibilities?
I know that I can slow down the draw(), but if I am interested in "fastest possible processing", how fast can I go?