Try this on for size... similar to Photoshop controls (for layer opacity and other things requiring a % value).
"1" -> 10
"2" -> 20
"9" -> 90
"0" -> 100
"01" -> 1
"10" -> 10
"23" -> 23
"99" -> 99
"00" -> 100
A delay of more than 400ms (see variable entrySeparation) between keystrokes allows you to press "1" to mean "10" followed shortly after (but not too shortly) by "2" to mean "20".
* spxlTwoDigitInput
* 2010-02-04 by subpixel
* Use keyboard input to control a numeric parameter
* Single digit entry gets "simple" value (eg 10, 20, 30, ...)
* Two digit entry gets "refined" value (eg 03, 25, 99)
* '0' and '00' are treated as 100
String inputStr = "";
int inputVal = 100;
long lastDigitTime = 0;
// Sequence of digits allowed with up to
// this many milliseconds between keypresses
long entrySeparation = 400;
int fontSize = 20;
int tx, ty; // Text location used in txt()
void setup()
size(640, 480);
textFont(createFont("", fontSize)); // default font
void draw()
tx = fontSize;
ty = fontSize;
txt("Use digits to set radius:");
txt("- Single digit sets 10, 20, 30, ... 100");
txt("- Two digits sets 01, 02, 03, ... 99");
txt("UP and DOWN adjust radius");
txt("inputStr: [" + inputStr + "]");
txt("inputVal: " + inputVal);
translate(mouseX, mouseY);
stroke(255, 0, 0);
line(-110, 0, 110, 0);
line(0, -110, 0, 110);
int tickWidth = 2;
for (int tick = -100; tick <=100; tick += 10)
if (tick == 0) continue;
line(-tickWidth, tick, tickWidth, tick); // y-axis ticks
line(tick, -tickWidth, tick, tickWidth); // x-axis ticks
ellipse(0, 0, inputVal, inputVal);
// Utility on-screen text printing method
void txt(String s)
text(s, tx, ty);
ty += fontSize;
void keyPressed()
long time = millis();
println("keyPressed(): key: [" + key + "]");
if (key == CODED)
case UP: inputVal += 1; break;
case DOWN: inputVal -= 1; break;
inputVal = constrain(inputVal, 01, 100);
else if (Character.isDigit(key))
int digit = Character.digit(key, 10); // base 10 numbering
println("Digit! " + digit);
if (time - lastDigitTime > entrySeparation)
inputStr = "";
else if (inputStr.length() > 1)
inputStr = inputStr.substring(1);
inputStr += key;
lastDigitTime = time;
// And now to interpret the "vlaue"
if (inputStr.length() == 1)
inputVal = digit * 10;
inputVal = Integer.parseInt(inputStr);
// Special case: 0 -> 100
if (inputVal == 0) inputVal = 100;