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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › calculations slowing down
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calculations slowing down (Read 1412 times)
calculations slowing down
Jan 29th, 2010, 6:26am

I have a program that simply consists of eight huge 3d massives of integers and constantly recalculates them with some random additions (a genetic algorythm). There is also a 3d visualisation of one of the massives but it is turned off by default, only with some counters output to the screen.

The problem is that after some time the counters slow down (after 5 hours of processing the speed is about 30-40% of the original speed) and the only solution I've found so far is to save the massives to a file, reboot the pc, and continue with saved files.

is there a way to deal with this without stopping the program?

Re: calculations slowing down
Reply #1 - Jan 29th, 2010, 11:49pm
It's a difficult question to answer, especially without the code Wink

Does your program create objects, new arrays, etc. throughout the run time?
Re: calculations slowing down
Reply #2 - Jan 30th, 2010, 4:19am
after your reply I made all the variables from draw() initialize as global, just in case :)

yes, some of the functions create new variables, such as "i" for "for(i=0;i<5;i++)" etc. I thought that since they are local function variables, they disappear with the end of the function.

I'm attaching the draw() part, visualisation part and one of the functions with those "i"s.

Re: calculations slowing down
Reply #3 - Jan 30th, 2010, 4:23am
void draw() {

for(int k=0;k<NumberOfSpecimen;k++)
    UsefulnessArray[k]=func(population3d[k], msx,msy,msz);     //filling an array of target function values
strr=strongest(UsefulnessArray); //selecting the maximum value out of the array

fvalue=func(population3d[strongestnumber], msx,msy,msz); //target function value of the best specimen in a population


 DrawSpecimen(population3d[strongestnumber]); //all the stuff with pushmatrix and popmatrix and visualisation

time = hour()*3600+minute()*60+second();
text ((f_end-f_start)*3+"/min", 500,600); //target function value per minutes output
text(fvalue, 50,600);   //target function value output
text(generations+" generations", 50,650); //generations counter output
text (hour_passed+" "+minute_passed+" "+second_passed,500,650); //time passed output

 //viewchange variable is controlled by mouse clicks
if (viewchange==2)
  text("see through "+ColorTransparencySettings[1],100,50);

for(int k=0;k<NumberOfSpecimen/2;k=k+2) //Main part of the algoryrhm. genetic variation. all the calculations that are heavy on memory
   //Functions child1(),child2(),mutation(),average() include some local variables and arrays.
   //Is it possible that these variables are not cleared from memory when the function ends?



Re: calculations slowing down
Reply #4 - Jan 30th, 2010, 4:24am
void DrawSpecimen(int[][][] specimen)
   translate(width/2, height/2,fov);

     for (int i=0;i<msx;i++)
        for (int j=0;j<msy;j++)
          for (int rr=0;rr<msz;rr++)
Re: calculations slowing down
Reply #5 - Jan 30th, 2010, 4:25am
int[][][] mutation(int[][][] specimen)
   int m,n,oo,l;
   for (l=0;l<2;l++)

   return specimen;
Re: calculations slowing down
Reply #6 - Jan 30th, 2010, 4:30am
I'm sorry it looks pretty messy, I'm slowly getting to redo it OOPwise Smiley i can give you the whole code if necessary.

this is how the whole thing looks like
Re: calculations slowing down
Reply #7 - Jan 31st, 2010, 2:41am
You're right about the local variables returning resources.

Perhaps the garbage collection is taking a very long time?
Nothing stands out in the code you posted.

My first thought was that you were creating new arrays, but I see that you are returning the same as the passed array (which only passes the reference).

Though I don't expect it to make a difference, it's not necessary to return the array (use void) as you are changing the original specimen[][][].

I wouldn't mind taking a look at the whole program, but I leave that up to you.
Re: calculations slowing down
Reply #8 - Jan 31st, 2010, 3:40am
I have looked at the image you posted and I assume that the number of little coloured boxes increases with each iteration.

If that is the case then it is also probably the problem as the program runs there are more and more boxes to display and this is slowing down the program.

You might modify your program so it draws every 100 generations or so.

Also you might modify the triple loop in DrawSpecimen() to

for (int i=0;i<msx;i++)
 for (int j=0;j<msy;j++)
   for (int rr=0;rr<msz;rr++)



As there is no point pushing, translating and popping matrices if there is nothing to draw.

Hope this helps
Re: calculations slowing down
Reply #9 - Jan 31st, 2010, 7:03am
"massives" = "arrays"?

5 hours is a long time for a sketch to be running - it is possible that there exist memory leaks and similar problems in the main Processing codebase, which would mean even if your code didn't have any, you can't get away from the existing problems.

If the cubes are mostly empty/undrawn at the start, then it is to be expected that rendering ten or twenty thousand more cubes later in the run is going to take additional time!.. but you also say you save the "massives", reboot and reload - by that do you mean you save the state of the array, and when you reload it after reboot the speed is improved?

Try running it without rendering at all (that is, don't call box()) and see if that slows down and/or uses up your memory over time.

Re: calculations slowing down
Reply #10 - Feb 1st, 2010, 2:51am
thanks guys,

yes, "massives" = "arrays", i'm sorry Smiley
the problem is that the generations counter slows down even if there is no visualisation at all. I only turn the visualisation on sometimes to have a look.
but yesterday it turned out that the same sketch doesn't slow down on my friend's mac, so I guess there is simply a problem with my winxp Smiley
Re: calculations slowing down
Reply #11 - Feb 2nd, 2010, 1:45pm
Well, perhaps not with Windows (generally), though perhaps with the Java Runtime Environment implemented for Windows.

Consider upgrading your Java installation (if it isn't already the latest release).

Re: calculations slowing down
Reply #12 - Feb 8th, 2010, 9:29pm
I use AutoCAD (on winXP) at work which has memory leaks - when it slows down (reaching some obscene  amount of memory usage) I minimize the window and then bring it up again and it sort of "clears" the memory and speeds up again (task manager shows it using a lot less RAM).  You could try minimizing and raising your app periodically, not sure if it will work on this though....
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