Access to my Launchpad code is currently broken [EDIT: Fixed, that was quick! See
Handles to get latest files], so I will just paste here the code I just updated: I was horrified to see the awful code I wrote when I started to code in Processing, two years ago!
Handles.pde Code:final int HANDLE_NB = 10;
HandleList handles = new HandleList(false);
void setup()
size(400, 400);
// Create random handles
for (int i = 0; i < HANDLE_NB; i++)
int size = int(random(15, 30));
handles.Add(new Handle(size + random(width - 2 * size), size + random(height - 2 * size),
size, size / 5,
color(random(0, 128), 0, 0), color(0, random(200, 255), 0),
color(0, 0, random(200, 255)), color(random(200, 255), random(90, 140), 0)
void draw()
Handle.pde Code:class Handle
// Lazy (Processing) class: leave direct access to parameters... Avoids having lot of setters.
float m_x, m_y; // Position of handle
int m_size; // Diameter of handle
int m_lineWidth;
color m_colorLine;
color m_colorFill;
color m_colorHover;
color m_colorDrag;
private boolean m_bIsHovered, m_bDragged;
private float m_clickDX, m_clickDY;
* Simple constructor with hopefully sensible defaults.
Handle(float x, float y)
this(x, y, 5, 1, #000000, #FFFFFF, #FFFF00, #FF8800);
* Full constructor.
Handle(float x, float y, int size, int lineWidth,
color colorLine, color colorFill, color colorHover, color colorDrag
m_x = x; m_y = y;
m_size = size;
m_lineWidth = lineWidth;
m_colorLine = colorLine;
m_colorFill = colorFill;
m_colorHover = colorHover;
m_colorDrag = colorDrag;
* Updates the state of the handle.
* @param bAlreadyDragging if true, a dragging is already in effect
void Update(boolean bAlreadyDragging)
// Check if mouse is over the handle
m_bIsHovered = dist(mouseX, mouseY, m_x, m_y) <= m_size / 2;
// If we are not already dragging and left mouse is pressed over the handle
if (!bAlreadyDragging && mousePressed && mouseButton == LEFT && m_bIsHovered)
// We record the state
m_bDragged = true;
// And memorize the offset of the mouse position from the center of the handle
m_clickDX = mouseX - m_x;
m_clickDY = mouseY - m_y;
// If mouse isn't pressed
if (!mousePressed)
// Any possible dragging is stopped
m_bDragged = false;
boolean IsDragged()
return m_bDragged;
* If the handle is dragged, the new position is computed with mouse position,
* taking in account the offset of mouse with center of handle.
void Move()
if (m_bDragged)
m_x = mouseX - m_clickDX;
m_y = mouseY - m_clickDY;
* Just draw the handle at current posiiton, with color depending if it is dragged or not.
void Draw()
if (m_bDragged)
else if (m_bIsHovered)
ellipse(m_x, m_y, m_size, m_size);
class HandleList
private ArrayList m_handles = new ArrayList();
private boolean m_bDragging;
private boolean m_bGroupDragging; // True if you want to be able to drag several objects at once
HandleList(boolean bGroupDragging)
m_bGroupDragging = bGroupDragging;
void Add(Handle h)
void Update()
// We suppose we are not dragging by default
boolean bDragging = false;
// Check each handle
for (int i = 0; i < m_handles.size(); i++)
Handle h = (Handle) m_handles.get(i);
// Check if the user tries to drag it
// Ah, this one is indeed dragged!
if (h.IsDragged())
// We will remember a dragging is being done
bDragging = true;
if (!m_bGroupDragging)
m_bDragging = true; // Notify immediately we are dragging something
// And move it to mouse position
// In all case, we redraw the handle
// If no dragging is found, we reset the state
m_bDragging = bDragging;