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Null pointer exception (Read 1370 times)
Null pointer exception
Jan 14th, 2010, 8:41am
First of all, hello everybody. I'm new to processing, but it has proven to be a very interesting language to play with. I don't like when my toys don't work and that's why I'm here.

When I compile and run my code I get this error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NullPointerException
     at processing.core.PApplet.main(PApplet.java:6686)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
     at processing.core.PApplet.background(PApplet.java:8021)
     at paddle.<init>(paddle.java:42)
     at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
     at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorI
     at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorA
     at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:513)
     at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Class.java:355)
     at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:308)
     at processing.core.PApplet.main(PApplet.java:6684)

The code is this:

int blockX = 50;
int blockY = 20;
int paddleX = 50;
int paddleY = 10;

int TotalBlocksX;
int TotalBlocksY;
int TotalBlocks;
int blockIndex;

block[] blockArray;

int i, j;

void setup()
size(500, 500);
TotalBlocksX = int(width / (blockX + 5));
TotalBlocksY = int((0.5*height) / (blockY +5));
TotalBlocks = TotalBlocksX * TotalBlocksY - 1;
blockArray = new block[TotalBlocks];
blockIndex = 0;

rect(mouseX, height-paddleY, paddleX, paddleY);

for (i = 1; i <= TotalBlocksX; i++)
for (j = 1; j <= TotalBlocksY; j++)
blockArray[blockIndex] = new block(i*(blockX + 5) - (blockX + 5), j*(blockY + 5) - (blockY + 5));

blockIndex = 0;


class block
float locX, locY;

block(int x, int y)
locX = x;
locY = y;

void create()
rect(locX, locY, blockX, blockY);

The thing is I don't even know on what line the error is happening and as I'm new to OOP I have no idea where to look.

Any help would be appreciated  Cool
Re: Null pointer exception
Reply #1 - Jan 14th, 2010, 9:29am
You've missed out the call to draw() after setup - i.e.:

// <snip />
void setup() {
 size(500, 500);
 TotalBlocksX = int(width / (blockX + 5));
 TotalBlocksY = int((0.5*height) / (blockY +5));
 TotalBlocks = TotalBlocksX * TotalBlocksY;
 blockArray = new block[TotalBlocks];
 blockIndex = 0;

void draw(){
 // etc...

You've then got an indexOutOfBounds error to deal with, but it should be easy enough to fix (hint: why do you take 1 away from the calculated value of 'TotalBlocks'?).
Re: Null pointer exception
Reply #2 - Apr 5th, 2010, 10:41am
hi there - i'm getting the same error message, but it doesn't seem possible that i've the same cause. this patch was working only a couple of hrs ago, cannot for the life of me figure out what i might have inadvertently changed! any advice / insight would be appreciated... !

code: (Particle4 is a Class object, different patch)

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

import JMyron.*;
//init external library with var
JMyron m;

float x;//shared by bubbles function & particles3 class
float y;//shared by bubbles function & particles3 class
ArrayList particles;//init arrayList
//Particle4 p;//init class object

//variables for findCentre() custom function
float objx = 160;//animation object in prior frame, x pos
float objy = 120;//animation object in prior frame, y pos
float objNextX = 160;//animation object in current frame, x pos
float objNextY = 120;//animation object in current frame, y pos

//array for reversing display order to create mirror image
int[] imgNormal = m.cameraImage();

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

void setup(){//setup OPEN

 //size(screen.width, screen.height);
 //size(1024, 768); //USE FOR PRESENTATION
 //frameRate(24);//good for sony miniDV but works w/o also
 frame.setLocation(0,0);//for display purposes USE FOR PRESENTATION
 m = new JMyron();//make a new instance of the ext-library object
 m.start(width,height);//start capturing at screen size(320x240)
// for trackColor(red,green,blue,tolerance) tolerance = "sensitivity" of the color matching
 //m.trackColor(0,0,0,100-100);//track black
 m.trackColor(255,255,255,256*3-100);//track white
 //ext library : perpetually update video pixels
 /*adaptivity(float val) sets the speed at which the retina image adapts
  the retina is where the past frames are stored- waiting for comparison with the
  cameraImage in order to calculate the difference */
 m.adaptivity(10);//was 10
 //tells the retinaImage to immediately adapt, completely, to the camera image
 m.adapt();// immediately take a snapshot of the background for differencing
 println("Myron " + m.version());
 //create arrayList
 particles = new ArrayList();

}//setup CLOSE

void draw(){//draw OPEN

 m.update();//ext library function : perpetually update processed camera frames
 drawCamera();//custom function drawing camera pov
 findCentre();//custom function locating centre x,y's of movement & draws animation

}//draw CLOSE

void mousePressed(){
 m.settings();//click the window to get the settings
}  */

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

void drawCamera(){//drawC OPEN

 //init array for recording difference image (btwn prior & current frames)
 int[] img = m.differenceImage(); //ext lib function : returns the difference image
 //get the normal image of the camera
 /*"pixels{} is an array containing the values for all the pixels in the display window.
 These values are of the color datatype, array is the size of the display window.*/
 //cycle through all the pixels and add the frame's pixels to screen
 for(int i = 0; i < width*height; i++){ //for open
   pixels[i] = img[i];
 }//for closed
//processing command that updates the display window with the data in the pixels[] array).

}//drawC CLOSE

////////////////////////// calculations that find average centre of motion's x,y positions
void findCentre() {//findC OPEN

  /*globCenters() returns a list of center points for each glob.
 this is a list of points [point,point,point] */
 //init array (for recording all the centre points of glob in 2d array)
 int[][] centers = m.globCenters();//get the center points
 //draw all the dots while calculating the average.
 //vars for counting the num of average x,y values
 float avX=0;
 float avY=0;
 //cycle thru array and count the num of average x,y pos
 for(int i = 0; i < centers.length; i++){//if1 open
   avX += centers[i][0];
   avY += centers[i][1];
 }//if1 closed
 //restrict average x,y data to 1 less than array length
 if(centers.length-1 > 0){//if2 open
 }//if2 closed

 //draw the average of all the points in red.

 //update the location of the object on the screen.
   objNextX = avX;
   objNextY = avY;
 objx += (objNextX-objx)/10.0f;
 objy += (objNextY-objy)/10.0f;

}//findC CLOSE

////////////////////// add class object
void bubbles(float x, float y) {//bubbles OPEN
 // A new Particle object is added to the ArrayList every cycle through draw().
 particles.add( new Particle4(x,y) );
 // Iterate through our ArrayList and get each Particle
 // The ArrayList keeps track of the total number of particles.
 for (int i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++ ) {//for open
   Particle4 p = (Particle4) particles.get(i);
 }//for closed
 // If the ArrayList has more than 100 elements in it, we delete the first element, using remove().
 if (particles.size() > 1000) {//if open
 }//if closed
}//bubbles CLOSE

////////////////////////// needed for control over external library init
public void stop(){//stop OPEN
 m.stop();//stop the object
}//stop CLOSE
Re: Null pointer exception
Reply #3 - Apr 5th, 2010, 10:51am
nevermind - found the bug ! didn't notice it until i cut and paste the code in here: a left over array from trying to create a mirror output that didn't work.

if anyone knows how to do this (output a mirror image while differencing with Myron + processing); i would be grateful for the feedback!
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