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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpIntegration › processing in max/msp as an image source
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processing in max/msp as an image source (Read 1243 times)
processing in max/msp as an image source
Jan 14th, 2010, 7:21am

i've been looking for an answer for the last few hours but i can't get sufficient info.

i would like to send  images (frames) that my sketches produce and send them to max/msp as a video/image source (so that i can use with jitter). there is this capturing from desktop method but it's unnecessary ...

i'm using maxlink for other types of variables but i can't manage to stream from processing to max/msp.

please some ideas..
Mother (OpenGL-based sketch mixer)
Reply #1 - Jan 14th, 2010, 7:19pm
Have a look at "Mother"...

About Mother

A library & host by Ilias Bergstrom for the programming environment processing, with contributions by Krzysztof Goliński and Splatgirl. Last update, 22-Oct-2009.

My understanding is that the "host" can manage multiple Processing sketches and blend them on the fly. Everything done in OpenGL, and so far as I know the "host" that he uses is built in MAX/MSP.

The code is available for inspection/reuse, and I suspect Ilias could be interested in answering questions for you (he seemed a pretty nice guy to me).

Link: http://www.onar3d.com/mother/

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