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Posts: 209
Re: TUIO_Processing
Reply #1 - Jan 12th , 2010, 11:17pm
Quote: /// "Tuio" by TfGuy44 ( /// Created for psg ( /// Please feel free to distribute or repost /// so long as this comment block remains intact. /// Please also feel free to contact me with /// comments, compliments, or job offers. int fingers = 0;int sx = 150, sy = 150;float sr = 0.0;float ss = 3.0;int sb = 200;boolean goup = true ;color sc = color (200);void setup (){ size (300,300); }void draw (){ background (0); if ( fingers == 1 ){ sx = sx + mouseX - pmouseX ; sy = sy + mouseY - pmouseY ; } if ( fingers == 2 ){ sr = sr + ( 0.01 * ( abs ( mouseX - pmouseX ) + abs ( mouseY - pmouseY ) ) ); } if ( fingers == 3 ){ if ( (mouseX != pmouseX ) || (mouseY != pmouseY )){ if ( goup ){ sb++; if (sb >= 255 ){ goup = false ; } } else { sb--; if (sb <= 0 ){ goup = true ; } } sc = color ( 255* mouseX / width , 255* mouseY / height , sb); } } if ( fingers == 4 ){ ss = ss + ( 0.01 * ( abs ( mouseX - pmouseX ) - abs ( mouseY - pmouseY ) ) ); } sx = constrain (sx, 0, width ); sy = constrain (sy, 0, height ); drawSquare(); drawhand(); }void drawSquare(){ pushMatrix (); translate (sx, sy); scale (ss); rotate (sr); fill (sc); noStroke (); rect (-20,-20,40,40); fill (255); stroke (0); ellipse ( -10, -10, 10, 10); ellipse ( 10, -10, 10, 10); fill (0); ellipse ( -10, -10, 5, 5); ellipse ( 10, -10, 5, 5); line (0,-6,-3,0); line (-3,0,3,0); ellipse ( 0, 10, 30, 5); noStroke (); popMatrix (); }void drawhand(){ fill (color (200,200,100)); rect (mouseX -5,mouseY -5, 11,14); rect (mouseX -8, mouseY -5, 2, 14); rect (mouseX -8, mouseY +3, 5, 6); if ( fingers > 0){ rect (mouseX -5, mouseY -15, 2, 10); } if ( fingers > 1){ rect (mouseX -2, mouseY -17, 2, 12); } if ( fingers > 2){ rect (mouseX +1, mouseY -15, 2, 10); } if ( fingers > 3){ rect (mouseX +4, mouseY -13, 2, 8); } }void mouseClicked (){ fingers++; if ( fingers == 5 ){ fingers = 0; } }