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IndexDiscussionExhibition › Glass tube of electricity
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Glass tube of electricity (Read 972 times)
Glass tube of electricity
Jan 9th, 2010, 7:40pm
Ok.. I know the code is sloppy.. just playing around and thought it was cool.  It's based on some sine wave code I found in the hacks section.  Figured I would share it.
import processing.opengl.*;
import javax.media.opengl.GL;
int xspacing = 30;   // How far apart should each horizontal location be spaced
int w;  // Width of entire wave
int maxwaves = 1;   // total # of waves to add together
int wavecycles =4;  //times to run it

float theta = 0.0;
float[] amplitude = new float[maxwaves];   // Height of wave
float[] dx = new float[maxwaves];    // Value for incrementing X, to be calculated as a function of period and xspacing
float[] yvalues;   // Using an array to store height values for the wave (not entirely necessary)
float[] zvalues;
PGraphicsOpenGL pgl;
GL gl;

void setup() {
 size(350, 130,OPENGL);
   hint(ENABLE_OPENGL_2X_SMOOTH); //after disabling the 2x this works fine
   pgl = (PGraphicsOpenGL) g;
   gl = pgl.gl;
   gl.glEnable( gl.GL_BLEND );
   gl.glHint (gl.GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, gl.GL_NICEST);
   gl.glEnable (gl.GL_LINE_SMOOTH);

void draw() {
 gl.glEnable( gl.GL_BLEND );
 for (int i=0;i < wavecycles; i++) {


 gl.glDisable( gl.GL_BLEND );



void calcWave(int x1, int y1, int z1, int x2, int y2, int z2) {
   w = (int)dist(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2);

 for (int i = 0; i < maxwaves; i++) {
   amplitude[i] = random(6,10);
   float period = random(100,300); // How many pixels before the wave repeats
   dx[i] = (TWO_PI / period) * xspacing;

 yvalues = new float[w/xspacing];
 zvalues = new float[w/xspacing];
 // Increment theta (try different values for 'angular velocity' here
 theta += 1.42;

 // Set all height values to zero
 for (int i = 0; i < yvalues.length; i++) {
   yvalues[i] = y1;
   zvalues[i] = z1;

 // Accumulate wave height values
 for (int j = 0; j < maxwaves; j++) {
   float x = theta;
   for (int i = 0; i < yvalues.length; i++) {
// Every other wave is cosine instead of sine
if (j % 2 == 0)  yvalues[i] += sin(x)*amplitude[j];
else yvalues[i] += cos(x)*amplitude[j];

if (j % 2 == 0)  zvalues[i] += sin(yvalues[i])*amplitude[j];
else zvalues[i] += cos(yvalues[i])*amplitude[j];


void renderWave(int x1, int y1, int z1, int x2, int y2, int z2) {

 int ranx = int(random(-4,0));
 int rany = int(random(-4,0));
 int ranz = int(random(-4,0));

 for (int x = 0; x < yvalues.length; x++) {
 for (int x = 0; x < yvalues.length; x++) {

 int yval = yvalues.length-2;


Re: Glass tube of electricity
Reply #1 - Jan 10th, 2010, 8:37am
Nice 3D glassy feel to it - I really liked it a lot.
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