I would move the topic to Integration, instead...

But I doubt you will find a better audience.
The topic is interesting. Your config is quite rare, but multi-core processors become common and 64bit systems too.
I suppose Java is able to split tasks between processors automatically (is it). Explicit parallel processing is hard to do, lot of people study that but the topic is far from being extensively known...
That's why I think that moving the thread to Processing implementation wouldn't be useful, as I doubt the authors would spend time optimizing multi-processor work (unless they have personal interest on the topic!).
Note: as I wrote above, perhaps you can optimize the code yourself, spawning multiple threads dividing the rendering task, I think Java will spawn the threads on multiple processors.
Somehow, Processing is a "toy", optimizing rendering like you want would need a good level of Java knowledge...
I am not a specialist of the topic, alas. I know there are researches on the field (Java, multi-threading, multi-processors, clouds...), see for example