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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › Using 2 buttons to go to the next screen
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Using 2 buttons to go to the next screen (Read 552 times)
Using 2 buttons to go to the next screen
Jan 8th, 2010, 1:55am

Hard to explain, but here's the code 1st:

import gifAnimation.*;
import ddf.minim.*;

Minim minim;
AudioSnippet songR;
AudioSnippet songL;

int albumSize = 3;
int albumsize = 30;
int selectedPhoto = 0;
int selected = 0;
PImage[] photoAlbum;
PImage[] photo;
int timer;
Gif loopingGif;
int toestand = '1';

void setup() {
 photo = new PImage[albumsize];
 photoAlbum = new PImage[albumSize];
  size(1024, 768);

 photoAlbum[0] = loadImage("1.png");
 photoAlbum[1] = loadImage("2.png");
 photoAlbum[2] = loadImage("3.png");
 for(int i = 0;i<albumsize;i++){
 photo[i] = loadImage((i+1)+".jpg");
 loopingGif = new Gif(this, "LoadScreen.gif");
 timer = 0;
 minim = new Minim(this);
 songR = minim.loadSnippet("rechts.wav");
 songL = minim.loadSnippet("links.wav");

void draw() {
 image(loopingGif, width/2, height/2);
     switch (toestand){
     case '1':
       if (photoAlbum[selectedPhoto] != null) {
       image(photoAlbum[selectedPhoto], width/2, height/2);
     case '2':
       if (photo[selected] != null) {
       image(photo[selected], width/2, height/2);

void keyReleased() {
 if(key ==',') {
   if(selectedPhoto < 1) {
     selectedPhoto = photoAlbum.length - 1;
   } else {
 if(key=='m') {
   int toestand ='2';
 if (key == '.') {
   if(selectedPhoto > photoAlbum.length - 2){
     selectedPhoto = 0;
   } else {
   if (key ==',') {
         if(selected < 1) {
           selected = photo.length - 1;
         else {
       if (key =='.') {
         if(selected > photo.length - 2) {
           selected = 0;
         } else {

Don't mind the looping gif, because thats not important right now, but I've got a question about using 2 buttons at the same time to go somewhere. As you can see, there are already 2 keys declared to do something. , is used to go to the previous picture and . is declared to go to the next picture. But now I'd like to press . and , at the same time so that they go to another loop of pictures. (That's what Code:
  for(int i = 0;i<albumsize;i++){
 photo[i] = loadImage((i+1)+".jpg");
is for. It's the other loop.)
If i do if (key =='.' && key==',') it just doesn't work. It does nothing. Can someone help me?

Thanks in advance
Re: Using 2 buttons to go to the next screen
Reply #1 - Jan 8th, 2010, 3:01am
One option is to use booleans - update these as the keys are pressed/released and then test against the value of the booleans, not the keys.

See here for an example...
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